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Patty last won the day on August 27 2020

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About Patty

  • Birthday 07/30/1954

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  • Occupation
    Section Leader Transfusion Medicine

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  1. I am trying to write a Validation Procedure and need some help on what I should be looking for and how to define Pre/Post Implementation Analysis when performing a computer upgrade. Does anyone have a Computer Validation Procedure or a Pre/Post Implementation Analysis Form they are willing to share?
  2. Blood Bank does not dispense RHIG. We report the number of vials of RHIG as part of the RHIG work-up based on the fetal screen or stain result. Pharmacy supplies RHIG based on our result.
  3. I believe "the philosophy of not needing a transfusion at all if only one unit is needed" has changed since the transfusion triggers have decreased. I would like to institute a hgb prior to each Red Cell transfusion order.
  4. We have the i Series Helmer incubator and have had no problems
  5. Much to our dismay we do it in Blood Bank. I vote for Hematology :)
  6. For manual Gel QC what QC material are you using? We are looking at using the Ortho Confidence system. When tesing it we found the Gel reaction for ABSC is 4+. I was thinking a weaker reaction would be a better QC result. Any comments or suggestions on this would be appreciated.
  7. You could antigen type the patient pre-Darzalex and transfuse phenotypically similar blood with a deviation form signed. Or DDT treat and give least Incompatible K neg blood. DDT destroys K.
  8. Report as Rh Indeterminate and treat as Rh+ for RHIG coverage of the Mom
  9. Just curious to know how many labs interpret a Bioclone Anti-D tube reaction of 1+ as Rh Neg. The insert does state any agglutination is considered a positive result for D antigen.
  10. All units tested. If tested for another patient though do not charge again for the second patient.
  11. We update the patient record if Irradiated, CMV Neg, etc. blood is needed. The computer alerts tech if trying to allocate unit that does not meet criteria. It can be overrided but it goes on a QA log and if it is used requires a deviation form. It prints on Unit Tag and we read when issuing.
  12. We use a RH + and Rh Neg 0.8% suspension from donor units mixed with low titer Anti-D for our +/- diluent control for our IgG cards. We make a 0.8% suspension out of our Coombs Control cells for a Positive control and one of the above 0.8% suspensions for our DAT Controls for our IgG/C3d cards.
  13. I have noticed that if my gel reactions start to look hazy after centrifugation that the card I keep as a balance card may be getting extremely dried out. After I replace it with a new card my reactions are clearly negative. Could it be a problem with the balance of your centrifuge or it may not be level? We sometimes get the weak reactions that are absent after a second spin but they are mostly from OB patient's post midterm RHIG. We do not use a readings after a second spin.
  14. I believe you are suppose to ask the patient to identify themselves if at all possible. Using the name and DOB are two things each patient is likely to know. If it is not on their label or armband how are you suppose to know what you are checking is accurate? I doubt patient's know their MR# or Accn#.
  15. I am trying to revamp our BB Competency Program for 2019. Do you perform a complete 6 element competency after training a new employee before they are allowed to report on their own? Do you repeat the entire thing at 6 months and again at 12 months? How do you define annual thereafter? Any time during a calendar year to complete all test systems? 12 months +/- 30 days?
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