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Malcolm Needs

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Malcolm Needs last won the day on January 31

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About Malcolm Needs

  • Birthday 12/14/1954

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Rugby Union, Cricket, cooking, wine, port, reading, crosswords, lecturing, more wine and more port!
  • Biography
    Pretty boring really, but not that pretty!
  • Location
    Sourton, Devon, England
  • Occupation
    Prior to retirement, I had taken a brand-new role in the NHSBT and was involved very much more on the education and training side of red cell immunohaematology. My title was Reference Service Manager, but with Training after it (Reference Service Manager - Training). I was very excited about this change, as I have a passion for training and education.
    Reference Service Manager with the NHSBT.
    Ex-Chartered Scientist.
    Fellow of the British Blood Transfusion Society, having twice served on their National Council.
    Ex-Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Science. Ex-member of their Special Advisory Panel for Transfusion Science and Chief Examiner for Transfusion Science for the Institute.
    Author of the chapter "Human erythrocyte antigens or blood groups" in Fundamentals of Biomedical Science, Transfusion and Transplantation Science, edited by Robin Knight, for the IBMS. 1st edition, Oxford University Press 2013 (ISBN 978-0-19-953328-2, pages 19-44.
    Was a member of the BSH Blood Transfusion Task Force (writing Guidelines).
    Member of ISBT and AABB
    I am now retired from the Blood Service, but still do the other things!
  • Real Name
    Malcolm Needs FBBTS

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  15. We frequently did this in the Reference Laboratory where I was the Manager (but you have to include both a positive and a negative from the "gel" technique into the "tube" technique - or vice versa, to ensure that the "sensitivity" of both techniques, while not being necessarily identical, are reasonably close).
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