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Sue Arata

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    United States

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    Lead Blood Bank MLS (ASCP)

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  1. Hello, I saw some posts about the transfusion record used in Meditech, however, I still need help. I can not find all of the vitals for each transfusion. I thought that perhaps I am looking in the wrong place. Could anyone provide me with the module#'s that they use to access this information? Perhaps the vitals are not showing up in the TAR because they are being entered elsewhere in the patient's chart? Also, if you know how to pull a daily transfusion record report, that info would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Sue Arata
  2. So...I have been seeing articles pertaining to new FDA regulations that will require bacterial testing on single donor platelets prior to transfusing. I would like to know if anyone is doing this in transfusion service areas of hospitals ( rather than in donor centers with initial testing)? If you are doing it in a hospital setting of transfusion services, what are you using for testing? From what I have surmised, this testing will be required prior to transfusion in addition to the initial testing. Does anyone have more information? Thank you for your input.
  3. thank you so much for your input!
  4. So...on the topic of doing a 2nd ABO type check: currently our hospital will typically use the same sample that is used for the TS/crossmatch, with another tech (if available) doing the 2nd retype. Occasionally, we will have a CBC tube drawn at a different time, utilized for the 2nd retype. If the second retype is done by the same tech, an IS XM must be done (no electronic XM). Obviously, using the same tube, even with different techs, does not ensure positive patient identification, only that the blood type was resulted correctly. The hospital is reluctant to require a second specimen to be drawn for fear of lower patient satisfaction scores. One of my coworkers suggested implementing a process where there will be a 2-person verification of the patient identification. My question is: does anyone else do this? and if yes, would you be willing to share your procedure so I can discuss implementing a new process with my pathologist? Thank you in advance for any assistance you may be able to provide. Sue Arata
  5. Hello, We are seeing an increase of patients on the new oncology drug for multiple myeloma (DARALEX/DARATUMUMAB) and I was wondering if anyone had any useful tips to share. Currently our procedure states to do a baseline ABSC prior to initiating the drug and to antigen type for at least Kell. Additionally, if the ABSC is positive in Gel, to rerun it in tube and to do an immediate spin crossmatch on Kell negative units (provided of course that the patient is Kell negative). Just wondering if this is how other places are handling these patients. Thanks, Sue Arata
  6. So, my question pertains to transfusion tag compliance and when the nurses are supposed to take vital signs. It has been my understanding that baseline vitals are taken immediately prior to starting a transfusion, and then again after 15 minutes of infusion, and again at the end of the transfusion. I cannot find any information on the CAP requirements regarding the monitoring of this information. Thank you in advance for any input. Susan I. Arata MLS (ASCP) Senior Lead Transfusion Services Mercy Medical Center Roseburg, OR
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