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  10. I just answered this question. My Score PASS  
  11. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. lkg1972 (76)Anita (64)an_nola (51)Tony R (77)ram (77)HDivino (45)Gypsy79 (45)testtip (57)Rastogi (53)aanecki --
  12. Last week
  13. I'm curious how expiration time for units is displayed to users in different time zones. What is the philosophy behind this? If I have a thawed FFP that expires at 7/25/24 15:49 and my user is CST, would another user viewing this units information from EST see 16:49 or 15:49? Are 23:59 expirations just assumed end of day and never change but units with explicit expirations treated differently?
  14. Hello mhowell, Welcome to PathLabTalk. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. mhowell joined on the 07/25/2024. View Member
  15. I would be happy to share our validation plan for this cooler. Please send me a private message with your email.
  16. I just answered this question. My Score FAIL  
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  18. We have the Max-Q blue (smaller) and red (larger) coolers. Just some thoughts............ not sure what the MTP coolers use as their coolant, but the gel packs that they send/recommend for the blue smaller coolers are CRAP! We have replaced all our gel packs with "green arctic ice" blocks. More expensive up front for sure, but, well worth it in the long run. Our gel packs were only lasting about 3 months meaning every time we replaced a set it had to be validated.......we were constantly validating! Anywhoooo........... We use expired blood products (using minimum blood volume as you determine) set up the coolers as if they're going out and put a downladable global thermometer probe in the cooler between the units. The cooler is then left (here, at minimum 10 hours) in a spot in our lab - usually for about 12 hours. At the end of the time, we download the Temp report from the thermometer and determine the # of hours the cooler was within the appropriate range (we use 1-6C). Our blue MaxQ's usually stay good for 18+ hours with the new ice blocks we use.....ALL our coolers are validated for 10 hours - regardless of how much longer they qualify for. Confusing? Sorry - I tend to get carried away some times!
  19. I just answered this question. My Score PASS  
  20. I just answered this question. My Score PASS  
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