Reputation Activity
David Saikin got a reaction from John C. Staley for a status update, Thanks John. A n opportunity to use my BB knowledge at a potentially very dynamic BB.
Thanks John. An opportunity to use my BB knowledge at a potentially very dynamic BB. Couldn't turn down the offer (as my career is winding down and thinking about retirement). Always appreciate your dynamic on this website. Stay well.
David Saikin got a reaction from heathervaught for a status update, Hi Heather Good luck in your new position. If you ever need any off-the-cuff advice f
Hi Heather
Good luck in your new position. If you ever need any off-the-cuff advice feel free to contact me either here or my home email is :
Your new position sounds exciting. I worked tertiary care, 700+ beds as the night guy. It was the best blood bank job.