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David Saikin

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Everything posted by David Saikin

  1. IF you are not responsible for the operation the only standard I recall is that your medical director is supposed to be involved in setting up the quality aspect in collaboration with those responsible.
  2. We do a week vs 3 days. RRay is correct. It is up to you to determine how long.
  3. I just answered this question. My Score FAIL  
  4. i had an AABB inspection years ago. At the summation the inspector said: "I know I'd have to dig to find something in Dave's lab." That should have been a warning. My only deficiency (which was cited by the Area Chair, who determined the deficiencies based on the Inspection report form) was that I did not have my facility ID on my antibody panel sheets. I immediately called my area chair and told him I wanted to inspect his lab (UT@Knoxville), which of course is not allowed. I became an AABB inspector/assessor after that fact.
  5. I have transfused 400u to 2 patients one night (2 traumatic aneurysms with different etiologies). Another night a patient w an 8000cc bleed in the OR. I had never seen folks get so much blood and survive. All 3 walked out, though one guy was missing 2 limbs.
  6. If we have a patient w no detectable ABO isoagglutinins our procedure is to perform an ahgxm in addition to the immediate spin. When I was validating gel we had a few patients w no detectable ABO abs: they weren't detectable at ahg either.
  7. i don't know what you mean by mismatched rbcs (i do understand about plasma/plts). RBCs need to be abo compatible.)
  8. We have used up to 3 travelers at a time. Every time we get up to staff we suddenly are down 1 or 2. A never ending battle. I'm as SBB in a small, rural hospital.
  9. I agree with John.
  10. Personally, I'm ready to start traveling. Did a short stint a few years ago. I'm getting tired of the regulatory environment. Just be a tech for a few more years and let someone younger deal with the reg folks. I really like Blood Bank work.
  11. nurse practioners and pas can order blood components. At least any place I've ever worked.
  12. I'd get a few of the blood bank vending machines. One for the OR and one for the ED.
  13. That is not a process for any regulatory agency I know of. Must be the inspector's personal opinion.
  14. I expect that you will see an increase in your knowledge base. No matter how busy a BB you work in, you may not get the minutiae you need to pass the SBB. Good luck.
  15. We do not routinely transfuse neonates (have not done one here in 30 or so years). We would give the freshest O= we have; irradiated if we have one. We are 3 hrs from our blood supplier. Chances are the infant will be transfused before we could receive appropriate products.
  16. Thanks for that info. We have ordered one of these.
  17. Hi All I know I've seen a post here about an infrared thermometer that you can lay a unit of blood on for a temp if/when returned. If that info could be provided I'd be most appreciative. Thanks!
  18. The only thing I am aware of is the collection of low volume units. 300-404mL WB collections with anticoagulant not adjusted - you can use the rbcs but no other components can be prepared. There are also low volume collections for autologous, where you may adjust the volume of anticoagulant based on the donor's weight. There is no defining statute regarding minimal volumes for transfusables that I am know of.
  19. When my supplier has a dearth of O Negs, if I get an O Neg patient who looks like they may be a big user, I contact the Medical Director. I also talk w the provider. Depending on my inventory I may ask to immediately switch to Rh+ units. We only stock 6u (overstock hosp); we have to have 2 for females of child bearing potential. A big user can totally deplete all my O's.
  20. Anyone started using CorQc lot28222? I'm getting weaker than usual rxs with A1 cell. thanks ahead of time.
  21. We only type for the specific antigen but we do perform an Rh phenotype when we find a clinically significant antibody. I used to have all the relevant antisera but, as was defined so succinctly by Malcolm's bean counters, it was too expensive.
  22. You can decide how long you want to keep units in crossmatched status. This is probably dependent on the validity of your specimen. There is no reason you can't release after 24 hrs.
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