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Everything posted by AuntiS

  1. Good morning! Does your Institution routinely perform a Type and Screen on ALL women coming in to deliver?No. Routine moms get a sample drawn, but the ABO and Rh are only performed if we don't have a blood group history (for RHIG purposes). Does it routinely perform a Type and Screen only on c-sections (then other patients, only if Physician feels a need to for some reason)?Yes, C-Sections get a Group and Screen. We don't do it automatically, they order it. And, yes, for any other patient the physician wants done. Is the testing at delivery, totally a case by case protocol (so nothing standard)?Mom testing? as above in #1. s
  2. We use 28 days if not pregnant/transfused here (plus the sample can be used up to 7 days post op) for a total of 35 days. If there is any doubt, we get a new sample. Also... we only use this for preop patients. Any other patient defaults back to 96 hours (i.e. admitted in thru ER) s
  3. Ours says something similar - to start transfusion within 30 minutes of pickup from TM. And complete within 4 hours. If they call and say there was a problem with the IV and they haven't started it yet, we always tell them they can keep the blood as long as it is complete within the 4 hours from the pickup. That being said... it specifically states that everything should be in place and ready to go BEFORE they pick up the blood, so there shouldn't be a delay s
  4. I am curious about the medical oversight of your blood bank. If you have the time and inclination, please take this little survey. 1. Is your medical director solely a clinical pathologist or does he/she do anatomic pathology as well? both 2. If your medical director also practices anatomic AND clinical pathology, what proportion of his/her time is spent on each? almost all AP 3. Does you medical director review all your QC? no 4. How many beds does your hospital have? 190 (community hospital) 5. About how many red cells does your facility transfuse per month? 280 s
  5. Hey... there are lots of us out here who still use tube! s
  6. it is in our proceudre to send out a weak reacting (<2+) in tube anti-D if the patient is a woman of childbearing age. They are treated as Rh negative and recieve Rh Immune Globulin until the testing comes back to confirm the patient's blood group. FYI - we haven't yet had to send one out! s
  7. We always run a screen first as well. I LIKE the idea of running a selected panel only, but... we are a core lab. I feel like every time you modifiy or change a routine practice you are looking for trouble. So, we keep it as is s
  8. Well, we haven't been asked to store this yet.... I thought one of the many perks of TM was getting away from urine and stool samples!!!!!
  9. I have been following this topic because.... I have worked in TM for 14 years and have ALWAYS used a microscope to read negative reactions! Four different hospital labs - all use a microscope. I can't be the only one? s
  10. I can tell you what we do here... For any preoperative patients, we follow the Maximum Surgical Blood Order list and XM whatever is required (if required or only a GS) for the type of surgery. We hold them for a maximum of 48 hours - but in reality is usually less time because we take them down the morning after their day of surgery. For any patient with an antibody, we automatically crossmatch 2 units so that there is no delay in providing compatible blood, if needed. I cannot WAIT to go to computer crossmatch (issue?? so that we don't have ANY blood sitting on shelves for patient's with no antibody history! s
  11. No problems here (so far)...
  12. This was my understanding as well. According to our Biorad rep... He said the gel cards are the same - manufactured in different locations (by different companies) but the same. The cells, however... are different? We are about to start validating Ortho cells (Screening and Panel) vs Biorad. Time will tell...... s
  13. Right, my understanding is that BioRad bought Diamed. Diamed is used outside of NOrth America and is on its way here now that the patent restriction has been lifted. I'm excited about the Biorad reagents - bigger vials, longer expiry (7 weeks vs 4 weeks) while still delivering every 4 weeks. s
  14. Until recently, we did not even place blood or blood products in a bag at all. Now we use a biohazard bag - so clear plastic- and place the issue paperwork in the sleeve. (Change was precipitated by an inquiry by a staff porter who did not want to touch the bag). Love the little lunch bag story. Wish I could say I was shocked and surprised When the change happened, the staff was not happy! They did not like the extra step. Honestly, I can't even remember why we thought it was even a good idea to hand the blood out without a bag! s
  15. That's exactly what I meant Teristella. Thanks for clarifying it for me s
  16. I would assume if someone says unable to rule out C and K that phenotyping was done, but the patient was negative (but you know what they say about assuming!!!). But, I would give any patient with an anti-e phenotypically matched blood for Rh and K - even if ruled out.
  17. I would give C- e- K- units forever! you don't want this guy making more antibodies
  18. We have the same - manual gel and tube ABO. What we do here is have a second field in the LIS for an ABO check and Screen check. The first tech performs the test and enters their results in the LIS. The first tech then leaves all the tubes and card in the rack. The second tech checks re-reads the tubes and card and verifies the results are correct in the LIS. The second tech must fill in the "check" field with their initials. They don't retest - they just check. I should note, we don't hold back any blood products until the second check has been completed. Hope that helps! I'm going to follow this to see if there are any great ideas for us as well
  19. we do the same as rrcc 1974. reported out as negative, but with a comment in the antibody identification field that states the historical antibody that has fallen below detectable levels. we found that reporting out only a negative screen (without the comment) confused the docs and the nurses didn't understand why there was a delay if the screen was negative
  20. You don't set anything up after a PLT product or IVIG?
  21. We set up a 5 or 6 cells panel for patient's known to have been given RHIg. It depends on the panel in use - but we set up 1 D+ cell and then 4-5 additional D- cells to eliminate the rest of the commonly significant antibodies on the panel. We might skip the M or N if they won't all fit in 5 cells. We right the cells on the plastic panel holder so they are readily available when needed
  22. We are doing the same - O Pos for males and women over 45 and O neg for women of "childbearing age". Those O Negs would probably get switched over to O Pos fairly quickly if someone was bleeding out. AB plasma - A if we run out. I know that our regional coordinators (ORBCoN) here in Ontario and CBS would LOVE us to come up with a better policy, but we aren't a huge facility and I don't feel like the time spent on creating new protocols for the super slim possiblity of getting an Ebola patient warrant my time
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