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Malcolm Needs

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  1. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from exlimey in Prewarm Technique   
    Certainly in the case of an anti-Vel, it can be vital to use serum, rather than plasma, as it can frequently only be detected by using an AHG that detects complement.

  2. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Yanxia in Prewarm Technique   
    Certainly in the case of an anti-Vel, it can be vital to use serum, rather than plasma, as it can frequently only be detected by using an AHG that detects complement.

  3. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from John C. Staley in Prewarm Technique   
    Certainly in the case of an anti-Vel, it can be vital to use serum, rather than plasma, as it can frequently only be detected by using an AHG that detects complement.

  4. Like
    Malcolm Needs reacted to exlimey in Prewarm Technique   
    I was taught, many, many moons ago, that prewarming should only be applied when the identity/specificity of the antibody is known/understood, i.e., you know what you're trying to avoid. Cold autos are probably the most commonly seen, but "nuisance" cold-reactive antibodies like anti-M, anti-P1, anti-Lea/Leb can also pop up and potentially be avoided using a prewarm version of an assay. These specificities are usually IgM class, are amenable to prewarming, and are generally considered clinically insignificant. Prewarming to "get around them" is often a good option.
    However, a cautionary note: There are cold-reactive antibodies that can present in a similar fashion that are clinically important - anti-Vel , anti-PP1Pk, for example. It can be dangerous to use prewarming to avoid these sometimes potent and potentially life-threatening alloantibodies.
    Prewarming may be a very useful tool, but as is true for very specialized tools, it should only be used and applied by trained and experienced operators who understand its strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Like
    Malcolm Needs reacted to Cliff in April 2024 Challenge   
    April was a great month.  We now have 12,250, so 17 more members!
    Great job spreading the word all.
  6. Like
    Malcolm Needs reacted to Townsend in California - IS XM necessary when LIS can detect ABO incompatability?   
    I agree with Bet'naSBB - the IS XM must be done in either tube or gel/other serologic method to verify ABO compatibility.  Since a patient with a current or history of clinically significant antibody does not qualify for electronic crossmatch, the serologic version must be included with the AHG phase XM.
  7. Hugs
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Cliff in HemeLabTalk: Lymphoid Malignancies   
    I never was any good at Haematology!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Like
    Malcolm Needs reacted to exlimey in BloodBankTalk: Correct Blood Bank Nomenclature   
    I just answered this question.

    My Score PASS  
  9. Like
    Malcolm Needs reacted to psykobillys in BloodBankTalk: Correct Blood Bank Nomenclature   
    I just answered this question.

    My Score PASS  
  10. Like
    Malcolm Needs reacted to psykobillys in BloodBankTalk: Correct Blood Bank Nomenclature   
    I just answered this question.

    My Score PASS  
  11. Sad
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Cliff in Floods in Australia.   
    Even worse news today from Sydney, with the horrific knife attack and multiple fatalities.  It all seems so unreal, but deepest commiserations to all concerned, including friends, colleagues and family of those concerned.

    Thank goodness for the extreme bravery of the lady police officer who saved so many lives by shooting dead the perpetrator.
  12. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Cliff in Floods in Australia.   
    I hope all of our friends and colleagues in Australia are safe from the awful floods that are being reported from there today.
  13. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from donellda in Floods in Australia.   
    I hope all of our friends and colleagues in Australia are safe from the awful floods that are being reported from there today.
  14. Like
    Malcolm Needs reacted to Razberry in BloodBankTalk: Correct Blood Bank Nomenclature   
    I just answered this question.

    My Score PASS  
  15. Like
    Malcolm Needs reacted to Razberry in BloodBankTalk: Correct Blood Bank Nomenclature   
    I just answered this question.

    My Score PASS  
  16. Thanks
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Kris L. in BloodBankTalk: What is a “super Coombs” test?   
    NOBODY has EVER performed either an Indirect Coombs Test (ICT) (or, still worse, an Indirect Coombes Test), or a Direct Coombs Test (DCT) (or, still worse, a Direct Coombes Test).  There is most certainly NOT either an Indirect or Direct AHG Test.  AHG is a reagent used in both the IAT and the DAT.
    The correct terminology for the former test is the Indirect Antiglobulin Test (IAT) and for the latter test is the Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT).  It is true that Coombs was the primary author on three papers describing the test1-3, but Mourant and Race were his co-authors on these papers, and they are often forgotten.
    Indeed, Coombs himself did not like the test being referred to as the Indirect Coombs Test and the Direct Coombs Test4, particularly as the principle of the test had been described in two papers published in the early 1900s,5, 6.
    1.  Coombs RRA, Mourant AE, Race RR.  Detection of weak and ‘incomplete’ Rh agglutinins: A New Test.  Lancet 1945, 246, 15-16.  DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(45)90806-3.
    2.  Coombs RRA, Mourant AE, Race RR.  A new test for the detection of weak and “incomplete” Rh agglutinins.  British Journal of Experimental Pathology 1945; 26(4): 255-266.
    3.  Coombs RRA, Mourant AE, Race RR.  In vivo isosensitization of red cells in babies with haemolytic disease.  Lancet 1946; 247: 264-266.  DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(46)91925-3.
     4.  Coombs RRA.  Historical note: past, present and future of the antiglobulin test.  Vox Sang 1998; 74: 67-73.  DOI: 10.1046/j.1423-0410.1998.7420067.x.
    5.  Moreschi C.  Neue tatsachen über die blutkörperchenagglutination.  Zbl Bakt 1908; 46: 49-51.
     6.  Friedemann U.  Weitere untersuchungen über den mechanismus der anaphylaxie.  Z Immunitätsforsch Exp Ther 1 Originale 1909; 2: 591-641 (cited in reference 4).
  17. Thanks
    Malcolm Needs reacted to Neil Blumberg in Imelda Bromilow.   
    My condolences to her family, colleagues and friends.
  18. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from jnadeau in BloodBankTalk: What is a “super Coombs” test?   
    NOBODY has EVER performed either an Indirect Coombs Test (ICT) (or, still worse, an Indirect Coombes Test), or a Direct Coombs Test (DCT) (or, still worse, a Direct Coombes Test).  There is most certainly NOT either an Indirect or Direct AHG Test.  AHG is a reagent used in both the IAT and the DAT.
    The correct terminology for the former test is the Indirect Antiglobulin Test (IAT) and for the latter test is the Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT).  It is true that Coombs was the primary author on three papers describing the test1-3, but Mourant and Race were his co-authors on these papers, and they are often forgotten.
    Indeed, Coombs himself did not like the test being referred to as the Indirect Coombs Test and the Direct Coombs Test4, particularly as the principle of the test had been described in two papers published in the early 1900s,5, 6.
    1.  Coombs RRA, Mourant AE, Race RR.  Detection of weak and ‘incomplete’ Rh agglutinins: A New Test.  Lancet 1945, 246, 15-16.  DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(45)90806-3.
    2.  Coombs RRA, Mourant AE, Race RR.  A new test for the detection of weak and “incomplete” Rh agglutinins.  British Journal of Experimental Pathology 1945; 26(4): 255-266.
    3.  Coombs RRA, Mourant AE, Race RR.  In vivo isosensitization of red cells in babies with haemolytic disease.  Lancet 1946; 247: 264-266.  DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(46)91925-3.
     4.  Coombs RRA.  Historical note: past, present and future of the antiglobulin test.  Vox Sang 1998; 74: 67-73.  DOI: 10.1046/j.1423-0410.1998.7420067.x.
    5.  Moreschi C.  Neue tatsachen über die blutkörperchenagglutination.  Zbl Bakt 1908; 46: 49-51.
     6.  Friedemann U.  Weitere untersuchungen über den mechanismus der anaphylaxie.  Z Immunitätsforsch Exp Ther 1 Originale 1909; 2: 591-641 (cited in reference 4).
  19. Haha
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Yanxia in Antibody ID   
    With a syringe and cannula I trust My Good Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Haha
    Malcolm Needs reacted to John C. Staley in Antibody ID   
    Most assuredly!!  She's a nurse and would not allow such activity unless performed with the upmost professionalism!  
  21. Haha
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from John C. Staley in Antibody ID   
    With a syringe and cannula I trust My Good Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Haha
    Malcolm Needs reacted to John C. Staley in Antibody ID   
    Not many have my option.  My wife has an Anti-D, an Anti-K and for a short time a detectible Anti-s.  I would just draw some of her blood every so often.  

  23. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Yanxia in Antibody ID   
    I confess that I am no expert on the chemistry of this, but, as I understand it from the late Prof. Patrick Mollison's book, it is purely to do with differences in the equilibrium constants of weak and strong antibodies.
  24. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Yanxia in Antibody ID   
    In the Reference Laboratory I worked in (in the UK, NHSBT-Tooting Centre in London), we would freeze any useful samples from both patients and donors (although the latter were quite rare), but we also belonged to a scheme named SCARF (Serum, Cells And Rare Fluids).  I must confess that, having retired in late 2016, I'm not certain that SCARF is still going, or, come to that, how much it costs to join.

    One thing that I would caution against, and that is diluting a "strong" antibody to make a "weak" antibody (although this is far more important when trying to make a "weak antibody" to use as a control (for example, for an IAT), as a "strong" antibody has a completely different equilibrium constant (although this may not be too important if you just use them for teaching).
  25. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Cliff in Antibody ID   
    In the Reference Laboratory I worked in (in the UK, NHSBT-Tooting Centre in London), we would freeze any useful samples from both patients and donors (although the latter were quite rare), but we also belonged to a scheme named SCARF (Serum, Cells And Rare Fluids).  I must confess that, having retired in late 2016, I'm not certain that SCARF is still going, or, come to that, how much it costs to join.

    One thing that I would caution against, and that is diluting a "strong" antibody to make a "weak" antibody (although this is far more important when trying to make a "weak antibody" to use as a control (for example, for an IAT), as a "strong" antibody has a completely different equilibrium constant (although this may not be too important if you just use them for teaching).
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