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Malcolm Needs

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    United Kingdom

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to donellda in BloodBankTalk: Monospecific antibody   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from John C. Staley in Haptoglobin part of transfusion reaction?   
    I remember the great George Garratty telling me once that measuring haptoglobins AFTER blood has been given is an absolute waste of time, money and reagents, UNLESS the pre-transfusion haptoglobin levels have been measured.

    I believed him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Yanxia in Haptoglobin part of transfusion reaction?   
    I remember the great George Garratty telling me once that measuring haptoglobins AFTER blood has been given is an absolute waste of time, money and reagents, UNLESS the pre-transfusion haptoglobin levels have been measured.

    I believed him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Mabel Adams in Haptoglobin part of transfusion reaction?   
    I remember the great George Garratty telling me once that measuring haptoglobins AFTER blood has been given is an absolute waste of time, money and reagents, UNLESS the pre-transfusion haptoglobin levels have been measured.

    I believed him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Malcolm Needs reacted to SueR in BloodBankTalk: Monospecific antibody   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to alt5575 in BloodBankTalk: Monospecific antibody   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to Townsend in BloodBankTalk: Monospecific antibody   
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    Malcolm Needs reacted to Bet'naSBB in O Positive transfusion to unknowns in Massive   
    We give Rh pos WB to any patient over 50kg that they call MTP on and keep it as the primary resource in our adult ED refrigerator.  
    That being said, I have attached two articles concerning this very subject should you like to read about some studies done.
    Anti-D in Trauma Patients.pdf Rh negative risk with Rh pos RBC.pdf
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    Malcolm Needs reacted to jshepherd in O Positive transfusion to unknowns in Massive   
    Exactly what Malcolm and Dr. Blumberg said - we've been doing this (in the states) for more than 10 years at my facility, rarely do we see an Rh neg trauma patient, and even rarer do they make an antibody to D if they survive, which for us is a significant percentage of trauma patients we see (98% survival rate). The key is giving the mismatch during a massive bleed, not just a onesie twosie transfusion. This is also why we give type A plasma to unknown type trauma patients, instead of AB. 
  10. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Ally in O Positive transfusion to unknowns in Massive   
    No, you are giving group O, D Positive red cells to these patients; not anti-D.  Of these patients, 15% of the White patients have the potential to then become immunised and may produce anti-D themselves, but better that than dying.  However, not all such recipients will produce an anti-D, as it is well-known that when blood is given in a situation where the patient may be exsanguinating, the patient is less likely that normal to make such antibodies.  Even if they do go on to make anti-D, as they are male, the chances of the anti-D affecting a future pregnancy are zero, whatever the WOKES may say these days.

    We have been doing this in the UK for at least a decade, and we have not experienced many problems with either male or female (over 50) patients.
  11. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from jshepherd in O Positive transfusion to unknowns in Massive   
    No, you are giving group O, D Positive red cells to these patients; not anti-D.  Of these patients, 15% of the White patients have the potential to then become immunised and may produce anti-D themselves, but better that than dying.  However, not all such recipients will produce an anti-D, as it is well-known that when blood is given in a situation where the patient may be exsanguinating, the patient is less likely that normal to make such antibodies.  Even if they do go on to make anti-D, as they are male, the chances of the anti-D affecting a future pregnancy are zero, whatever the WOKES may say these days.

    We have been doing this in the UK for at least a decade, and we have not experienced many problems with either male or female (over 50) patients.
  12. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from John C. Staley in O Positive transfusion to unknowns in Massive   
    No, you are giving group O, D Positive red cells to these patients; not anti-D.  Of these patients, 15% of the White patients have the potential to then become immunised and may produce anti-D themselves, but better that than dying.  However, not all such recipients will produce an anti-D, as it is well-known that when blood is given in a situation where the patient may be exsanguinating, the patient is less likely that normal to make such antibodies.  Even if they do go on to make anti-D, as they are male, the chances of the anti-D affecting a future pregnancy are zero, whatever the WOKES may say these days.

    We have been doing this in the UK for at least a decade, and we have not experienced many problems with either male or female (over 50) patients.
  13. Like
    Malcolm Needs reacted to Neil Blumberg in O Positive transfusion to unknowns in Massive   
    The rate of alloimmunization in massive transfusion trauma patients who receive D positive red cells appears to be quite a bit lower than seen in healthy adults exposed to D positive red cells many years ago in the original trials.  Perhaps as low as 1-2%, not 40% as seen in healthy recipients of test doses.
  14. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from applejw in O Positive transfusion to unknowns in Massive   
    No, you are giving group O, D Positive red cells to these patients; not anti-D.  Of these patients, 15% of the White patients have the potential to then become immunised and may produce anti-D themselves, but better that than dying.  However, not all such recipients will produce an anti-D, as it is well-known that when blood is given in a situation where the patient may be exsanguinating, the patient is less likely that normal to make such antibodies.  Even if they do go on to make anti-D, as they are male, the chances of the anti-D affecting a future pregnancy are zero, whatever the WOKES may say these days.

    We have been doing this in the UK for at least a decade, and we have not experienced many problems with either male or female (over 50) patients.
  15. Like
    Malcolm Needs got a reaction from bblover in O Positive transfusion to unknowns in Massive   
    No, you are giving group O, D Positive red cells to these patients; not anti-D.  Of these patients, 15% of the White patients have the potential to then become immunised and may produce anti-D themselves, but better that than dying.  However, not all such recipients will produce an anti-D, as it is well-known that when blood is given in a situation where the patient may be exsanguinating, the patient is less likely that normal to make such antibodies.  Even if they do go on to make anti-D, as they are male, the chances of the anti-D affecting a future pregnancy are zero, whatever the WOKES may say these days.

    We have been doing this in the UK for at least a decade, and we have not experienced many problems with either male or female (over 50) patients.
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    Malcolm Needs reacted to mpmiola in BloodBankTalk: Duffy Blood Group System   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to donellda in BloodBankTalk: Duffy Blood Group System   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to NPhillips in BloodBankTalk: Diego Blood Group System   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to Arno in BloodBankTalk: Duffy Blood Group System   
    I just answered this question.

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  20. Haha
    Malcolm Needs reacted to John C. Staley in Remote temperature monitoring for Blood Bank refrigerators   
    WOW!  That's taking the old belt and suspenders about as far as possible!  You are right, no one will ever fault you for not doing enough.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to alt5575 in BloodBankTalk: Diego Blood Group System   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to Jbowker in BloodBankTalk: Diego Blood Group System   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to Townsend in BloodBankTalk: Diego Blood Group System   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to donellda in BloodBankTalk: Antigens   
    I just answered this question.

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    Malcolm Needs reacted to alt5575 in BloodBankTalk: Antigens   
    I just answered this question.

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