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gagpinks last won the day on November 22 2023

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    Biomedical Scientists Band 6 working in hospital blood bank

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  1. We also inculed documents owner documents authorised by and effective date.
  2. I agree also agree MU is not really for blood group and antibody screen . No clinicians will ask blood transfusion department how unsure are you for your blood group. it's just tick box excersise yo keep UKAS happy. We do MU for manual group and antibody screen and Rh and Kell phenotype. We take 10 sample of QC and equipment involved in this process. Calculate MU for equipment involved ( provided in calibration certificate)such as pipettes,Timer incubator and centrifuge and use calculations to count MU.
  3. frm5197-41-fetal-rhd-screen-request-form-printable-version.pdf Why does this form says ( top of the form) if patients has Allo antiD sample will be rejected for Fetal RhD screening. So I am sure they will be using different technologies
  4. What are differences between ISO 15189 (2012 ) and 2022 standards?
  5. Yes. Another thought do you think in 1st pregnancy anti-D could be in IgM nature and therefore level might be slightly raised?
  6. Thanks Malcolm. I checked it she was not given large dose of anti -D in her first pregnancy. However in her first pregnancy she developed anti D at 32 weeks where her level was 0.5Iu/ml then at end of her first pregnancy level was 1.0IU/ml. As per routine antenatal sample if booking blood is Rh negative we send sample for FDS for Rh D prediction. Could it be because lady had Allo antiD? When lady has Allo anti D do they use different techniques?
  7. Hello Patient has developed antiD in first pregnancy at around 32 weeks and her quantification level was 1.0 IU/ml. In 2nd pregnancy her booking blood at (12 weeks) antibody screening was negative. At 15 weeks sample sent for fetal genotype (FDS). On this Report received inconclusive due to all Anti D. Because patients was on file for historical antibody therefore sample sent for quantification in 2nd pregnancy and Report received antibody not quantified since it reacted weakly in enzyme IAT only. My understanding standing is if patients once developed Allo antiD her titre level does not go down. Why was her antibody screen was negative in 2nd pregnancy at 12 weeks?
  8. Hi Would like to know more about transfusion practitioner role. I am aware of main roles of TP are PBM, Education,audit and adverse events/incident management. Would like to know how can we modernised current TP role? Any tips from around the world would appreciate Thanks
  9. Patient is not sickle or Thal, however Patient is child bearing age. Do you think should RCI have to investigated more?
  10. Agree with you. No further samples were requested nor followed up Bit disappointed. patient was transfusion dependent and doing well.
  11. Interesting case 3 units were crossmatch electronically. After 1st unit patient developed chills,rigor and Temperature, therefore transfusion was stopped and requested for transfusion investigation requested. upon investigation it was found pre and post transfusion Antibody screen and identification Panel was also performed and negative on both sample. DAT was negative on pre transfusion sample and positive in post transfusion sample. Ig G 1+ C3d negative. However crossmatch was performed by IAT and found to be positive 3+ reaction. Pre and post Samples were sent to RCI for investigation. Patien Billirubin and LDH went up significantly. Case was discussed with both consultants immediately. Reference lab found same result as lab result. They also tested donor unit for some low frequency antigen such as Wra, Doa Dob , Coa Lua Kpa and found negative. Unfortunately due to unavailability of rare reagent RCI unable to solve the case. Patient was excluded from electronic issues.
  12. Pre delivery sample going for urgent c-section.
  13. I am talking about non specific antibody.
  14. Thank you!!I just wanted to confirm. But guidelines suggest if maternal antibody develop after 28 weeks it wouldn't cause severe HDFN. In this case I wasn't worried about baby but worried about mother. Panel was negative with both IAT and papain. If we provide xmatch compatible blood to mother and IF mother has transfusion reaction for some reason would we not be crucified? Because we haven't identified antibody. Probably we wouldn't have leg to stand right?
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