Interesting case
3 units were crossmatch electronically. After 1st unit patient developed chills,rigor and Temperature, therefore transfusion was stopped and requested for transfusion investigation requested.
upon investigation it was found pre and post transfusion Antibody screen and identification Panel was also performed and negative on both sample. DAT was negative on pre transfusion sample and positive in post transfusion sample. Ig G 1+ C3d negative. However crossmatch was performed by IAT and found to be positive 3+ reaction. Pre and post Samples were sent to RCI for investigation. Patien Billirubin and LDH went up significantly. Case was discussed with both consultants immediately.
Reference lab found same result as lab result. They also tested donor unit for some low frequency antigen such as Wra, Doa Dob , Coa Lua Kpa and found negative. Unfortunately due to unavailability of rare reagent RCI unable to solve the case.
Patient was excluded from electronic issues.