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Paternity Testing and BB Quality lectures


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Would you mind sharing a presentation on Paternity testing at the BB?

Moreover does anyone have a ppt lecture on Blood Bank Quality Management?

I have been caught off guard and barely have time to prepare them, unless I give up sleep for a few days.



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Would you mind sharing a presentation on Paternity testing at the BB?

Moreover does anyone have a ppt lecture on Blood Bank Quality Management?

I have been caught off guard and barely have time to prepare them, unless I give up sleep for a few days.



I'm sorry Liz, but I can't help on either of these (paternity testing in the blood bank, without the use of molecular technology is fraught with danger anyway), but, as far as the Quality bit is concerned, there is a fantastic chapter on this in the book by Geoff Daniels and Imelda Bromilow, Essential Guide to Blood Groups", Wiley-Blackwell, the second edition of which has just been published. It is chapter 8 and, if you can get hold of a copy in time, I think that it would help you immensely.


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Great! Thank you Malcolm. I can order it quickly.

I agree about the molecular part and Paternity testing. I will get out of that one as it doesn't make sense to me either.

(I was so embarrassed posting my need, I always prepare my own presentations, but I suppose I worried).

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It is a fantastic little book, but I should warn you, perhaps, that if you read it all (as well as the bit on quality) there is a nasty little typo on page 41, near the top, where it says,

"In order to prevent the less common occurrence of the mother being immunised during the course of the pregnancy, anti-D immunoglobulin may be administered to D+ pregnant women antenatally, and this has become the usuaul practice in many countries."



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The AABB Technical Manual has an entire QM section at the beginning of the book. It would help your lecture immensely.

Thank you Dave, and I have it on CD. Great!!! Plus they have postponed my session so I have time to prepare something nice.

Please excuse me for my immature request.

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Hi Liz,

Attached is my take on QMS. If you don't understand any of the abbreviations, just leave me a message in my BBtalk box and I will get back to you.

Do with it what you will.

This is written against ISO15189 (but principles apply to any QMS) and AML:BB is a standard produced by an expert group here in Ireland.


Eoin (Wayne E)[ATTACH]434[/ATTACH]

QMS TRAINING Mar 2010.ppt

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Thank you Eoin! I went through it quickly. I will add QC, QA, PT to it, and why it is so important and different at the BB from other parts of the Lab. We manufacture, and our products are transfused, not just written on paper.

Funny pictures too.

okay, I dont feel so bad for asking!

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