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Everything posted by Liz

  1. Liz


    Thank you for mentioning this important concept which few know of. I presented accommodation at the meeting to decide whether to transplant or not. The literature is limited on iABO KT with A2B and AB but sufficient. We will transplant. They considered this case ABO mismatched but compatible as anti-A1 is absent. May end up publishing they said. But I am just happy that he found a kidney. He is a young man and the live donor is his mum. Will keep you posted. Thank you.
  2. Liz


    Do the A subgroups act differently with regards to the probability of forming anti-A1?
  3. Liz


    Thank you, Malcolm
  4. An A(sub)B recipient is to receive a kidney from an AB donor. The recipient does not have anti-A1. He is most probably A2B but it has not been confirmed. Question: the probability that he forms anti-A1 is ~25% to 35%; what is the probability that the Anti-A1, if formed, will react at 37C?
  5. Thank you Cliff. Great idea. And especially thank you for this Forum. Happy New Year!
  6. Belated Happy Birthday!!!!
  7. how many donations to get the gas card?
  8. Agree. Yes put the indicators (anywhere) but the annual mappred dosimetry is required and very reassuring when it returns, it will help you adjust the time if need be,
  9. WOW!!!!! Can you tell me the brand and was it (the microwave) in the 25,000$ or 15,000$ range. How long does the Helmer take to thaw 4 units? and the big one to thaw 8 unit one? anyone? Thanks Terri, I am getting more and more encouraged. It is on our next fiscal year budget...but hehehe I budgeted it 25,000$ Is it the Canadian Ark? Thank you
  10. Thanks for all the useful answers, looking too to replace or backup the thawers
  11. Is it possible that the 11/3 samples wer not his? What drugs is / was s/he given? any steroids, immunsupresssants, etc ? Was s/he transfused in the meantime and the Ab diluted and cannot be detected. ..... Check these first.
  12. mistaken in threads...
  13. First do not replace; repair and keep the old one as the backup once the new one comes in. Or as said above use them in parallel so both are QC'd and ready. Or if you are super lucky to get 2 new ones then keep the old one in its best shape and as a backup. Only let it go when it dies and the Medical Engineers declares it dead or says that the manufacturer stopped making spare parts or that the spare part is more expensive than a NEW thawer. Other than that I would like to ask David where you got the microwave from. They used to be from Canada at 25,000$ the last time I checked. I have one for my next fiscal plan, your info is greatly appreciated as well as any advice you have. Thank you.
  14. Thank you that is wow!!! so in real life it must be something. And to think the it was painted lying down, what a brain and vision!!
  15. :)Thank you Cliff!! will check it out!
  16. Mabel, A lot of us have children and grandchildern by now and as you correctly said: at this stage of our lives this is what really matters. So thats why we are all happy, especially during season time, because they are happy and we can spend time with them. I hope people dont find me too obnoxious in this thread: But ''tis the season to be jolly, and to forgive the jolly....
  17. Two poems too good not to re-post. FROM MABEL ADAMS, 2009 with permission: From a skit in MT school, Oregon 1979 To the tune of "My Favorite Things": Red cells and white cells and non-squamous ep cells, Broad casts and fine casts and triphospate crystals, Thick strands of mucus, bacteria and yeast, These are a few of my sediment things From BRENDA HUTSON in 2009 (without permission :bonk:but I hope you wont mind Brenda) twas the night before christmas blood bank version Twas the Night Before Christmas and all through the Lab, Not a John Doe was Stirring, not even a Stab The Units were Hung in the Refrig. with Care, In Hopes that a Transplant, Soon would be There. The Platelets were Nestled all Snug on the Rotator, In Hopes that more Platelets would Join them there Later. Pam in her Lab Coat and Sung in her Glasses, Were Trying to Avoid any Vaporous Gasses! When up from the Window Arose Such a Clatter, Jean Sprang from her Chair and said, “Hey, what’s the Matter?†Away to the Window she Flew with a Flash, Logged into the Computer and Hoped it wouldn’t Crash! And what to our Wondering Eyes did we Catch? But a STAT Heart Transplant with a 12 Unit Crossmatch! With a Little Old Transporter so Lively and Quick, We Knew at Once that the Patient was Sick (boy are we quick)! More Rapid than Eagles the Antibodies Came, I Whistled and Shouted and Called them by Name. Now Duffy, Now Lewis, Now Auto, Now Kell, On Lutheran, On Cellano, On Rh, On Vel! As I Read all my Tubes, I Started to Call, Now Shake Away, Prewarm Away, Vortex away All!!
  18. I just read a poem by Brenda and one by Mabel back in 2009. I cannot post them here otherwise i would be taking the credit. Please Brenda and Mabel post them here for others to remember or read for the first time, they are so special and priceless. They are under: Twas the night before Christmas. (I also read a Christmas thread started by Malcolm 2008, yes I guess I was a bit early this year hehehehehe) But I am enjoying all the posts and getting into the Christmas spirit!!! Hope you all are too.
  19. That is a wonderful Christmas Present, a miracle!! Mabel. It is very exciting!!
  20. Hi Eoin, I had no idea that monasteries accomodate people other than the priests and friars. Hmm. This is interesting. The reason I am staying there is because one of my sons is a priest at the Vatican and this is the monastery where he resides, so I am a guest or a free-loader . I have not seen him for one and a half years:cries:, it will really be a nice Christmas. At work we decorate the whole Lab and corridors and each section has a Christmas tree, so do all the patient units, cafeterias, services and offices, etc... Then HR goes around and declares the winner of the best tree, oh and they add the number of "likes' on facebook or something.... Last Christmas I was with son number 2, and next Christmas will be with son number one in Paris, hopefully.. not sure yet; we are all spread out so ... but anyhow this is the first time I spend Christmas and New Years Eve in Rome and with son number 3. Still not used to the fact that he has this vocation. Merry Christmas. I love Ireland and the Irish. I went to a meeting there and I could not believe it. THE PEOPLE ARE SO NICE!!!!!!! Even the non-Irish who I know and are usually mean were NICE in Ireland!!!! what is it about Ireland? How wonderful!!
  21. Thank you for that I definitely dont want to wait hours in a queue, I would rather be inside.
  22. Smarty, Thank you for the tip on the pictures, I think I must get a book that explains these things. Did you wait a long time in a queue to get into the Sistine Chapel?? Scott, i am completely touched by what you do. So they shop and its free for them, you dont give them a parcel. Is that something or what! I must give these thoughts to our Childrens Cancer Center. We have over 100 volunteers and they have a good board of directors. Angelina Jolie and others have visted them so I am sure we have a lot of donated money. I want to check how they spend it. Thank you for sharing.
  23. Cliff, can we have a place for pictures. We can divide it into Fun pictures and work picture. Not that work isn't fun; or call it: At work and Off work.
  24. Of course, it will be my pleasure. I shall also visit the Sistine Chapel, and upload a few pictures of that too.
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