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Best/Worst excuses

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What are the best/worst/funniest excuses that people use not to donate blood?

I just love when the person with multiple piercings and tattoos tells me they are afraid of needles :confused:

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  • 1 month later...

Not exactly an excuse, but the funniest one I had was a woman in her late 60's. She didn't answer any of the sexual behavior questions, so I had to follow up. She said "Honey, I've been a widow for over 10 years and probably didn't have sex for 10 years before that. So just put NO for everything!". POOR GAL! >;-)

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Yes it's true that some of the excuses are funny. However, due to the permanent deferrals for homosexual experiences, and society's continuing stigma regarding *** people, many will come up with lame excuses just to hide their orientation. This is sad on so many levels.

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Guest jatin.chaudhari

once I was at a relative's house, when he got a call from a blood bank on his landline no. for donation and he replied that he was out of town!!!

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I had a friend tell me that she stopped donating blood because the Donor Centers used guilt as a motivating factor (I was working at the Donor Center at the time). I refrained from asking how guilty she would feel when her loved ones were in the hospital and couldn't get blood because there was a shortage.

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Here's one I'll bet none of you have heard:

Shortly after we implemented ISBT labeling, a donor called up and asked us to consider changing our Facility ID number (part of the Donation Identification Number). He saw the new format on his "call back card" and indicated that if we couldn't / or wouldn't be willing to change it he would have to stop donating. When asked about his concern, he indicated that he just could not get comfortable with the idea of donating his blood to the "devil"....you see,

our Facility ID number is..... W0666......Hey thanks ICCBBA!!.... and no, we haven't changed it!

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  • 1 year later...
I came into the world with all my blood and I am leaving with all of it!!!!!

Yes, I've heard that one! You wonder what they would think/say if a family member was in a bad accident and all of their blood was leaving the world without them.........or with them, worse case scenario. They don't think, that's the problem.

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It really isn't a funny excuse as to why they can't donate, but rather a sad ruling that was made. People can't donate, because they are not allowed to by the standards. Being in the military in the early eighties removes a lot of military and their dependants (spouse and children) from ever donating. This is due to the Mad Cow exposure during that time frame. It angers some that there are no tests to confirm or deny anything, yet these people are deferred for life. How sad is this!!!! Good people that do not use drugs, or sleep around, yet their blood is deferred. I for one would rather have their blood rather than some of the blood from other people. But I don't make the rules!!!:mad:

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It really isn't a funny excuse as to why they can't donate, but rather a sad ruling that was made. People can't donate, because they are not allowed to by the standards. Being in the military in the early eighties removes a lot of military and their dependants (spouse and children) from ever donating. This is due to the Mad Cow exposure during that time frame. It angers some that there are no tests to confirm or deny anything, yet these people are deferred for life. How sad is this!!!! Good people that do not use drugs, or sleep around, yet their blood is deferred. I for one would rather have their blood rather than some of the blood from other people. But I don't make the rules!!!:mad:

I do sympathise with your point of view SUNSHINE1, but there are reasons. These good people (and they are good people) may well have been exposed to British beef or British beef products, even though they may not have been based in Britain itself, or British blood. There is, therefore, a theoretical chance that they may have been infected with vCJD.

vCJD has an incredibly long incubation period of many years, and they may be "dormant" carriers of this horrible diease, for which there is no test, and, certainly, no cure.

If you look at the library at the top of the page, go to Educational Material and scroll down to the lecture on Donors and the Donation Process, you will come across a slide (I think it is slide 20, but I am not absolutely sure) that explains, in cartoon fashion) why, in the UK, we no longer allow recipients of a blood transfusion to become donors themselves - they are permanently deferred. I would imagine that this explanation is similar to the reasoning behind the banning of individuals and their families from donating blood.

I admit it does seem Draconian, but I can understand the reasoning.


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