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Just For Fun

Brenda K Hutson

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  • 2 weeks later...

My husband is a Supervisor of Security at our county hospital, which also has a mental-health ward. They use an "elopement system" whereby any patient who is required to stay at the hospital for treatment is banded and if they attempt to flee, alarms will sound. One night while I was on the phone with him, an officer walked in the room and started talking about a case. They kept talking about putting "Bed ###" on the elopment system. I asked him why he was so worried that the bed would try to run away from the hospital......

He was not amused.

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I was watching the TV show "House, MD" with my daughter the other day. There were so many errors it wasn't even funny. The physicians were pushing a young child to be a marrow donor for her mother "because she would be the best match" (although it turned out the child wasn't hers anyway). This is one of the shows where the physicians all go and run the lab work as soon as they think of what they want to test. They also were using a huge wood drill in an OR suite to perform a bone marrow aspirate to test for some disease state. It was scary!

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I was watching the TV show "House, MD" with my daughter the other day. There were so many errors it wasn't even funny. The physicians were pushing a young child to be a marrow donor for her mother "because she would be the best match" (although it turned out the child wasn't hers anyway). This is one of the shows where the physicians all go and run the lab work as soon as they think of what they want to test. They also were using a huge wood drill in an OR suite to perform a bone marrow aspirate to test for some disease state. It was scary!

I love and hate that show at the same time! It drives me bonkers to see these physicians driving out to peoples houses to collect environmental samples, drawing their own blood samples, performing their own MRI/CT scans, doing bedside operations, doing brain surgeries when they're not even surgeons. It is amazing. I think they should fire their technical directors.


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I was watching Days of our Lives recently (I am still looking for a life) and someone got shot. They called ahead to the hospital to get the patient's blood type and have blood ready vs using Oneg for the 20yr old female. And then to add to the insult they realised her biological mom was telling the truth about parenthood because they were both ABneg (I think). At least a soap opera doesn't claim to have a technical consultant so my outrage only lasted a few minutes.

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  • 2 months later...

The fun (funny) just never ends, does it.

Today was just "one of those days" such that my co-worker and I had to wonder if it was a full moon! I can't tell you how many Nurses called today and said "the computer says READY;" does that mean I can send for the blood?" I said, "Ready means Ready." :rolleyes:

So since it was one of those days, I just had to open this Thread and start reading some of the responses to my co-worker (she had not heard them). So when the pm Tech. just came in, knowing how bad our day had been, I thought I should start him off with some laughs. Well, he had one of his own.

One night they ordered a STAT FFP. Just as the order was printing, the Nurse called and asked if she could come for it. He said, "No, it takes 25 mins. to thaw." To which she replied, "you do know I ordered it frozen don't you?"

He said he wished he had had the presence of mind to reply "what are you going to do, give it as a suppository; a poopsicle?"

Brenda Hutson

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I had a harassed night shift tech snap after multiple phone calls and tell the nurse to come and get the fresh frozen plasma for her patient. When she arrived she asked how she was supposed to transfuse the block of frozen plasma he handed her. He told her that if she wanted to stop calling him he could actually do his job and thaw it for her. Needless to say his call volume dropped dramatically after that.

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When I still worked in a hospital we had a surgeon call us and ask for FPP, we told him he couldn't have it NOW because it took 20 min for us to thaw it. The doctor responded that he didn't care, wanted the frozen blocks brought up to the OR and he would stick them in the microwave. How scary is that?

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One night they ordered a STAT FFP. Just as the order was printing, the Nurse called and asked if she could come for it. He said, "No, it takes 25 mins. to thaw." To which she replied, "you do know I ordered it frozen don't you?"

He said he wished he had had the presence of mind to reply "what are you going to do, give it as a suppository; a poopsicle?"

Brenda Hutson

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I had a doc, in a rush, insist that he could not wait any longer for FFP. I explained that it was thawing, and he said he didn't care he wanted it right now. I told him I didn't think it would go thru the IV line in its present state. He didn't understand. I had to explain that it was a big chunk of ice. He said he wasn't aware that it was frozen.

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I had a doc, in a rush, insist that he could not wait any longer for FFP. I explained that it was thawing, and he said he didn't care he wanted it right now. I told him I didn't think it would go thru the IV line in its present state. He didn't understand. I had to explain that it was a big chunk of ice. He said he wasn't aware that it was frozen.

Right; the "Fresh Frozen Plasma" is not frozen.....


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I had a vascular surgeon once ask me why the FFP was frozen?! I responded "Because it is Fresh Frozen Plama(emphasizing the word FROZEN)." He wasn't terribly amused. That's one of the DR vs. Tech challenges I actually won! That is a rare happening in my experience. The BB/lab always seems to get blamed for everything!!

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I had a vascular surgeon once ask me why the FFP was frozen?! I responded "Because it is Fresh Frozen Plama(emphasizing the word FROZEN)." He wasn't terribly amused. That's one of the DR vs. Tech challenges I actually won! That is a rare happening in my experience. The BB/lab always seems to get blamed for everything!!

Maybe what he was really upset with is that he was asking "why do we freeze plasma anyway?" I don't know; just a thought. I have trained enough Residents and Fellows in my day to know they do not have a lot of time allotted for training (Pathology Residents and Fellows; the Vascular Surgeon probably had nothing past Med. School). It is "possible" that this Physician really just wanted to learn something?? But perhaps you were responding more based on the tone of the voice, etc.

Brenda Hutson, CLS(ASCP)SBB

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I got a call from the NICU asking for 9 ml of blood for a newborn (this hospital does not keep neonatal units - we order them in as needed from the blood center 2 hours away); when I told the nurse it would take several hours to get the blood, she was upset and said "This baby has a 10 gram hemoglobin, and we need to transfuse this baby right away because we want to transfer it out!" (I'm sure the receiving hospital would appreciate having the mixed field reactions when they had to do their testing).

Five minutes later she calls back and asks how long for plasma; I asked why we were going to give plasma and she said "Because it has a 10 gram hemoglobin!" When I said plasma wouldn't help the hemoglobin, she said well, the doc wanted it for volume replacement anyway. The supervisor said OK to give the plasma so I thawed it and pulled off 20 ml in the syringe; called the floor and told them it was ready; then waited for over 2 hours for them to come and get the "urgently" needed product.

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Maybe what he was really upset with is that he was asking "why do we freeze plasma anyway?" I don't know; just a thought. I have trained enough Residents and Fellows in my day to know they do not have a lot of time allotted for training (Pathology Residents and Fellows; the Vascular Surgeon probably had nothing past Med. School). It is "possible" that this Physician really just wanted to learn something?? But perhaps you were responding more based on the tone of the voice, etc.

Brenda Hutson, CLS(ASCP)SBB

You make some valid points here. They do NOT get enough training in BB. They are ill-prepared to make decisions that some have to make on a daily basis. The scariest situation I can remember is that Path residents get a whole 3 weeks training?!(or that's what they got in the BB where I was several years ago). How can anyone, yes even a DR, learn BB'ng in 3weeks?

I think the good DR's are the ones who know what they don't know and ask for advice from those of us who do. Unfortunately, it's not terribly common!

The DR in the situation I described here was having a fit because it was going to take 20 mins to get him his FFP. He was not pleased.

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No names, no pack drill, but on a different front entirely, I had a telephone call from one of the hospitals we look after today.

"I had a report last week that said,

"Please note the de novo specificity. In what Blood Group System is de novo?""


Well Malcolm,

You tell all of us what Blood Group System "de novo" is in!!?? :D:D:D:D:D

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I have two favorites, one blood bank and one not blood bank.

Blood Bank- "So, how do I give this?" (Unit of packed cells)

Chem- "I have an order here for a pre-albumin test, but I think it may be wrong, I'm not giving the patient any albumin."

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