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KatarinaN last won the day on June 9 2016

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About KatarinaN

  • Birthday 03/21/1989

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    Besides the work in the lab (which I love) I play violin in my freetime.
  • Occupation
    BLS in one of the Finnish University Hospitals Hematology Lab and Blood Bank. Doing also platelet function analysis such as ROTEM, Multiplate and PFA.

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  1. And one more question.. Could it be AGE that is causing this? (advansed glycosylation end-products) Though one research says that AGE is in serum. How about in plasma? Any experiences?
  2. I'm topping this, does anyone have any sources regarding this topic? Have there been any research about connection between renal patients and panagglutinin or is the information based on experiences only?
  3. We also practise two draws policy but make exception with trauma patients. Traumas ABO/Rh is however checked next day from other sample drawn that morning. Two different phlebotomist, two different draws and phleb/nurse or whoever takes the sample must sign it for "proof" of proper identification.
  4. Every patient 5 days regardless of situation and that five days is for minutes. If the sample is drawn 8th of June 2016 10:52 p.m. it expires 13th of June 10:52 p.m. We don't ask any questions and make no exceptions. (Well... never say never in immunohaematology )
  5. Sorry for late answer! In Finland every donor is tested for ABO RhD and K. Other phenotypes are marked on the unit after tested two times (two donations). The most commonly tested other phenos are Rh CcEe, then comes Kidd, Duffy MNS (perhaps around 3000 donors/year) and Cw and for the last but not least Cx, Ula and Lwb (plus ~100 donors/year are tested for Lsa, Ana and WESa). That might sound a lot but we have centralized our production into one place in Finland. Donating sites are all over but blood products are only made, supplied and delivered from one center that is situated in our capitol. Small country
  6. If a patient has any Rh-antibody, we give them Rh-typed blood. Such as patient has anti-E and pheno is E-, e+, C+, c-, K-, we give E-, c- and K- blood. But if the patient is only E- (others positive) we notify E only. So based on phenotyping.
  7. Straight translation for our term is "unknown antibody" but the meaning is close to "antibody of undetermined specifity", so quite same as stated before.
  8. Thanks for everybody sharing info and stories! Now, after info I got, I am even more suspicious the bothering antibody being Sda. Lets see where this goes..
  9. Thank you! Later I discussed this with our head of department and he remembered that in "the old days" there used to be quite much anti-Sda but it has disappeared since gel technique. And I start to ask about that guinea pig urine (Malcom, what is so special in guinea pigs urine that for example cats urine can't do the trick?) since one of my collagues has one..
  10. Hi! We have had mysterious samples that all are reacting weakly, medium or strongly, some with papainised cells and others not and also some in room temperature and others not. We had an answer that it is Sda that is bothering us. Can anyone tell me anything about Sda and/or anti-Sda? It is quite hard to find info about this antigen and antibody and this is totally new thing for me (haven't heard about it at all). Any good articles?
  11. This is how we do this (in my lab I don't have to think about ruling out something that might be difficult, such as C under anti-D, we do the phenos): If the patient has a Rh-antibody we do the phenotyping for Rh (ECec + K) and then give blood according to phenotype. And because of electronic crossmatch, this kind of patient with (Rh)antibody will always be serologically crossmatched (not valid for type&screen) and blood units will be selected according to the phenotype, whether the screen is positive or not. Off course we try to rule out everything we can and luckily we have a lots of cells and panels to use. But sometimes there are situations that someone is hidden behind antibody and then we rely on the phenotype matched blood. Interesting conversation! (Now going to have a cup of coffee and going to solve one antibody and what to do with it. Last time the titers where so high that our machine was contaminated with the anti-D from the sample.. So manual pipetting it is!)
  12. 1. Mainly no, but our safety protocols say that in case of emergency (like train out of track, several patients coming, war, gas leak etc.) we need to call a supervisor, so I assume we will catch one if we need. We have their personal numbers in our protocols. 2. If we need to call, we just start calling in the order in the protocol and hope someone will answer. 3. They are basically not "in charge". We tend to handle most of the things by ourselves and there haven't been any issue I know that supervisor needed to be alerted. Although if they are they will be compensated. 4. Yes we do and we have all their numbers in case of emergency and also our lab supervisors supervisor numbers as well as the head of the department (doctor). 5. In the department I work there are maybe 300 BLS (phleb, microb, pathology, chem, hemat). Our company has also two other departments that are smaller.
  13. How far are you transferring the blood products in case of MTP? If we are alerted with MTP it is from one of the surgeries or from first aid ward (acute). There are not that far away so we do not monitor the temperature. We do as goodchild wrote to us, check the time lapse and check the product. It is such a short distances (few hundred meters, 500 m max) and they (usually) don't go outside the building.
  14. We don't use moms first name at all, only last name. So in this case it would be BATES, GIRL or BATES BOY. In case of multiple births we go alphabetical. For example BATES, A-GIRL and BATES, B-GIRL etc. Eventhough this is not unique identification but it works for us. Names aren't too long for identifiers. Edit: Just came to my mind: naming is not that unique in our hospital but since babies will have a unique ending to their DOB, there is only o little opportunity to mix the identifiers/tags. Example: BATES, A-GIRL (070815A012) and BATES, B-GIRL (070815A014).
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