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Deny Morlino

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Everything posted by Deny Morlino

  1. We have been using Rhophylac for several years. Nursing does not seem to have any issue with the product or mechanism.
  2. Have had good experience with the Helmer 4 position unit for many years.
  3. Same question for a refrigerator? Helmer for this as well?
  4. No indicator here either. Our system is set to recall the unit within the time frame determined through trials prior to the temperature rising above the acceptable return point. We use a secure transport feature requiring a code to release the unit at the receiving station. If the unit is not released by the time the unit is due to warm too much for return to the blood bank, it is automatically recalled by the pneumatic tube system to the lab. Once it arrives in the lab it must be released to drop using the same code nursing would have used to retrieve the unit. This system works for us.
  5. Not aware of any regulations, but as a rule the less distractions in blood bank the better. Prior to moving into our new area last August the blood bank did not have a door. I did have one inspector strongly suggest that blood bank should have a door to close out distractions. The new blood bank area has a door.
  6. I think dropping the weak D on prenatals would be wise. It is possible that the patient your lab has reported as rh positive when exposed to rh positive blood might form an anti-D. We would treat the patient as rh negative and administer RhIg and Rh negative products to prevent this possibility. We continue to check cord samples for weak D, but when we began using gel about 12 years ago the weak D protocol was dropped otherwise. Hope this helps.
  7. EDTA and we still separate. Considering not separating.
  8. For both the inpatient and outpatient setting the nursing group provides the instructions and education.
  9. Post transfusion instructions and information are provided to all patients here.
  10. Most education opportunities are best received by the target audience when the audience perceives the information as coming from at least a peer or better yet an expert. People tend to be more receptive when on of these is the source of information. Try approaching the education from that perspective and it might be better received.
  11. We only supply CMV negative upon physician's orders for any patient.
  12. I have had the same thought. If the physicians offices and hospitals started telling the patients what their temperature is in degrees Celcius it would be a short time until the public was much more comfortable with the Celcius equivilant. The US has been messing with metric conversion for over 40 years now and still have not made the transition.
  13. We have a long standing program here for kindergarten children. The lab portion includes a walk through of what is involved in a blood collection with all of the equipment visible, jars containing red liquid with the amount in the jar representing how much blood is in the body of an adult, child, and newborn. A microscope to show what is on a blood smear is always a hit. Path specimens in a container are usually either "Oh gross!" or "cool!" depending upon the individual. Hope this is of some help.
  14. Using Ortho's confidence system here.
  15. Here it is a request for a particular number of units. Have been working for several years to change the physicians' thinking from random donor platelets to pheresis units when they order platelets to no avail. We interpret any random order of 6-8 units as one pheresis unit (written into our policy).
  16. Malcolm you are the master of understating lol!!
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