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Posts posted by MAGNUM

  1. We had a problem with the clinics not sending their results then sometimes when they did send them they may be old results, so when we as the transfusion committee rewrote the transfusion criteria I included in the procedure that we require "X" testing for "X" products and that to insure that we had that testing performed, that testing would be ordered for each outpatient transfusion, such as if the patient was to receive packed cells we automatically order a H&H, for platelets we order a Platelet count, FFP a PT/PTT, cryo a fibrinogen.  We then took the policy to the Medical Executive Council and the hospital Policy and Procedure committee.  At both places I pointed out the requirement and they approved the policy and changes without question.  So we now have an unwritten written order for the pretransfusion testing that we need.

  2. I have been splitting up all my surveys between techs for the last couple of years. Each tech is assigned one red cell specimen and its corresponding serum specimen. The tech completes "ALL" the testing necessary for that one "patient". If it is the automated survey, 5 different techs each are assigned 1 of the samples. Not only does this share the wealth, but it shows competency in performing unknowns. DAT's and Fetal Hemoglobins are treated in the same manner just with fewer techs. Then I rotate the surveys that the techs receive. Sometimes the tech gets lucky and has a negative ab screen so their testing is short and sweet and then sometimes they get to play detective because their ab screen is positive so they get to determine which ab it is.

  3. When we went live with BCTA in 2008, all of our hospitals in our division moved the RhIg to the pharmacy. The injection is ordered by the floor, after we perform a fetal screen/KB. So far we have not had any problems..

  4. I would get rid of it immediately.


    What antibody, apart, perhaps from an anti-P in PCH, that reacts only in the cold, is clinically significant?


    If you find an auto-anti-I, are you going to give units of Adult ii blood?  No!


    If you find an auto-anti-H, are you going to give units of Oh blood?  No!


    If you find an anti-HI, are you going to give units of Oh that are also Adult ii?  No! - partly because they don't exist!!!!


    So, if you can safely give I+ blood to someone who has a cold auto-anti-I, and H+ blood to someone who has a cold reacting auto-anti-H, why can you not give, for example, M+ blood to someone with a cold reacting allo-anti-M?  The obvious answer is that you can.  It is only when these antibodies have a wide thermal amplitude that they become remotely clinically significant (and that is very rare), and if they do, you will detect them in the warm.


    The cold technique, in almost all cases, is a complete waste of reagents and time (both of which equate to a complete waste of money).


    Put the SOP through a shredder!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amen brother Malcolm. Preach on.


    Hi Everyone!
    The issue I'm having (Meditech 5.6.6) is with blood products defaulting on the wrong requisition. We have an ABO confirmatory test that reflexes for patients without blood bank history. This test creates a completely new requision. When a physician goes back in to order blood products, the product itself and the crossmatch are being attached to the ABO confirmation test (instead of the original type and screen). In effect, we're having to go back in, cancel the blood product/crossmatch, and add them manually to the original type and screen requision. How can I set up all blood products to default only on the type and screen requisition?


    I know that you don't want to hear it, but unless you have your confirmatory test reflex onto the original accession number, you will be unable to fix things. Meditech attaches any new blood bank work onto the most recent active blood bank accession number, i.e. your confirmatory accession number. I have my confirmatory types to reflex onto the original number that way any crossmatches or product orders will attach there.

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