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About mprandealr

  • Birthday 01/19/1959

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Swimming, cycling, wine
  • Biography
    Being in Worthing, England, I like to sit on the beach to relax after the hectic stressful day in the Transfusion Laboratory environment.
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Blood Transfusion Manager

mprandealr's Achievements

  1. He does that too !!!!!!!!!!!, very skilled, our Lord Needs!!!!!!
  2. Have you inspected or audited for Reference Laboartory; How do you know that they are qualified to act as a Reference Laboratory for you; I would seek to change laboratories if this is the level of service that you receive. Thank the Lord for Malcolm Needs Laboratory and their services. Most of my staff have benefited greatly from a visit to his laboratory.
  3. In respone to BBKT I would say that those pesky phlebotomists are "fraudulant" and take disciplinary action if able to prove:mad:. In my experience as the phlebotomists are part of our staff they are exempleary, it is occasionaly nurses but usually the "know it all" doctors. What we are trying to achieve is a very safe Transfusion practice. Identifysing and minimising the high risk areas/practices. Sample collection and labelling is one of the highest risks.
  4. At times one wonders whether patients do actually survive DESPITE the treatment! In this case I do not know how and as for pooling:cries: Please Lord (read here whichever and ALL gods that may help) forgive them as they no not what they do:confused: How are we teaching our Transfusion scientists, or should I dare say are we educating our Transfusion Scientists:(
  5. We would NEVER allow pre-printed labels. I know they say don't use the word NEVER, so; The only printed labels allowed are from bedside vein to vein tracking systems that use Barcoded wristband labels or in more upto date systems RFID wristbands and then these labels on the samples must be handsigned, dated and timed.
  6. My answer to your questions to are as follows: 1. We use 3 cell screens on ALL antibody screens. Positive screens are identified as; No history; Full ID panel and identification: discuss with midwives for evidence of rANP. Without writeen evidence then is identified as anti-D and satys agianst that patient. Recent prophylactic anti-D history; O rr 2 cell screen On our computer system we still leave the original result as positive antibody screen and then add the comment on the report as; Result consistent with rANP anti-D 2. Our MHRA inspectors have been ok with this. 3 We perform IAT IgG crossmatches on pregnant Rh negative patient where the anti-D is still detected as per BCSH guidlines. If no longer detected we electoically issue Rh Neg, K Neg
  7. In my early years we were accepting patients to prtoduce samples for "male infertility tests". We gave a very young Iranian Navy Cadet a "Sterilin" urine sample container. He asked if anyone could give him a hand! We offered hime a few "local" magazines and 15 minutes later he came back very carefully carrying his container as if it was liquid gold! He had managed to leave the sample in the reverse end of the contaioner, that looked like an inverted V and had placed the lid over the top! How one will nebver know! We found this just wierd! So we gave hime another pot and said try again! He never did come back!
  8. Many, many years ago as a young sailor, new to the world of Pathology I was being taught how to collect a sample of blood. One of my solo afternoons as the duty phlebotomist I had a very beautiful, young, oriental lady come to have a blood sample to be collected. And in my young nonchalant way said to the young lady if she minded rolling up a sleeve and making herself comfortable. I turned my back to prepare the required bottles, needle and appropriate sized, when I turned around I was ………………dumbstruck, mesmerised and went quite red as this young lady couldn't roll up a sleeve of her long tight oriental dress, and so had removed the dress completely, and to make herself comfortable lay on the bed. I was more shocked than she! Which brings another scenario to mind. Early days of HIV and our Sea Lords in their Ivory Towers issued an edict to phlebotomy staff. When collecting blood from a suspected HIV positive patient then where suitable garments, overshoes, trousers, Disposable button up smock above white coat down up to the neck, gloves mask and goggles. The first line of the actual procedure said†reassure the patientâ€!
  9. I wholeheartedly agree with my namesake, Malcolm, never ice, except in Gin! Also don't forget tranport boxes including your cool packs that must be held at 4 +/- 2 for 24 hours prior to use need at least annual validation, and sop of how to peform the validation and the sop of how to write the validation, but theorectically should be 6 monthly to cover best and worst wheather conditions, unless you live in Las Palmas in Gran Canairia, oh I wish, enough of this cold/wet and dark climate:cool:
  10. Hi, We insist on two samples from any patient before issuing blood with the exception of the clinical emergency admission, bleeding/trauma. All planned surgeries have a pre-admission sample anytime and a second sample sometime within 5 days of the surgery date; (5 days; as 7 day rule the last two days gives us 48 hours post surgery for any top-up's required). The argument is risk reduction and we have now moved to electonic issue on demand where we do not cover operations by issuing blood if the patients are electronic suitable for blood issue. April - November 2009 show a reduction of actual blood usage of 15.2%. Win Win situation, but also then that concerns us as it is evidence that we are over transfusing our patients! Nothing new there either unfortunately! Evidence is a double edged sword, but we are moving in the right direction and the business managers are happy for a change!:mad:
  11. Where we have evidence of the patient receiving prophylactic anti-D and is the likely cause of the positive antibody screen, we will rule out all other clinically signisficant antibodies using a short panel. We record the reults as psoitive antibody screen; Anti-D from prophylaxis. Whilst the patient is demonstarting a positve antibody screen due to the Anti-D from prophylaxis we will crossmatch if necesary. When the patient no longer exhibits a positive antibody screen the patient reverts to electonically suitable, if other criteria are met for electronic issue or computer crossmatch.
  12. In the context of electronic issue (computer crossmatch) My anaethatist has informed me that he wants real blood not virtual blood:o
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