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Which antibodies would you ignore first and last and in between in an emergent transfusion and why?

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Of those four, I would probably try to honor the one that reacted most strongly first. You might want to give Rh pos blood so there is a chance of the unit being c neg or at least single dose for c. We keep 5 min. anti-K so it would be pretty easy to get K neg units both because the test is fast and the odds are good but I am not sure it would be worth the time until you were getting near the end or the anti-K reacted 4+. "Save the best wine for last" and try to fill them up with the most compatible you can come up with at the end when the bleeding has slowed. Depends on your inventory and how close you are to your supplier. If you can get compatible units in an hour and you only keep 20 units of blood, that is very different than if you keep 150 units of blood but can't have units shipped to you in less than 4 hours.

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If I had to ignore (and I have had a case like this) - I would ignore - S, then K, then c, then Fya. Actually had an open heart with Anti-K,-E,-Fyb. Pt went to OR. I came in at midnight and she was going back for the 3rd time - we weren't screening for anything. A few days later she had a +DAT with the Duffy. No other sequelae.

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Is your logic based on likelihood to fix complement or antigen frequency or testing difficulty or ...?

I don't have much logic to this . . . no reason for S first except that the others will tend to be more dynamic in vivo (I think) and K is easier to ignore than c because of its frequency (or lack of).

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