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Everything posted by Lbiggs

  1. This was the HCPCS that the blood supplier gave me.
  2. HCPCS for liquid plasma is P9044
  3. Stocking it now!! Woot woot! Great product so far.
  4. rcracer09, we use this product and I will get that code and post for you.
  5. I am the BB lead here and we are using the product for traumas and MTPs. The liquid plasma has up to a 26 day outdate and is ready for issue with no modification. It is FDA licensed as of this June 2015 and stability of coag factors are very similar to FFP. Very nice product, sent 3 units out the door today within 5 min of the request for a GI bleed. So far, no issues. The American Red Cross blood centers are now processing this product as well as Blood Works NorthWest. American Red Cross requires a standing order. The product is approximately half the price of a unit of FFP. We pay $xx/unit. Since we have started carrying it, we have wasted about 8-12 units using only 4 so far. The challenge has been to get our docs on board with any new product or process because we also only carry A in the liquid plasma. Hope this helps.
  6. If aliquoting a unit for neonatal resuscitation at the bedside, would that syringe be required to be FDA relabeled?
  7. What is the requirement for relabeling a pediatric syringe aliquot?
  8. Called the FDA today and as long as we send the blood such as sending it to a department, obtain storage temperature records and a physician signature for the uncross matched units if they are given; we are not required to maintain an FDA registration. We will still "own" the units. Several hospitals around the states provide this service. Now for the policy building. Going to be a busy week!
  9. Looking into the requirements for such a contract and wondering if anyone out there knows a way around the FDA registration requirement for being a "distributor" of blood products in such a contract? Any information is greatly appreciated.
  10. Hi all, We are looking into a newer (2010) US FDA approved not licensed yet liquid plasma that is collected from whole blood and never frozen with up to a 26 day outdate for immediate availability. Anyone out there already using it? Would love to hear your thoughts on it and if you can find any literature that I haven't yet, please share. Thanks, BB RAT
  11. Is anyone out there using liquid plasma for this? We are strongly considering the use of the 26 day outdate never frozen liquid plasma just for our trauma and MTP patients to provider faster stability if possible. We are also a critical care access hospital in a rural community over 2 hours from our blood supplier. Thanks for any information that you can provide.
  12. So I am a new bloodbank superuser in the build phase of Cerner implementation here at our hospital. I feel frustrated with the result testing and major scrolling side to side to see patient results. I have asked about testing that is more in line with the page scripts of Sunquest or HCLL so that all patient results are viewable on one page. Does anyone have good tips and tricks that could help me iwith this and can everyone that uses Cerner please tell me what you think of the bloodbank program portion? My lab manager just told me that we are stuck with it no matter what issues I find with it. Thanks. LBiggs
  13. We just had a situation with a positive DAT on cord blood. Baby A pos and Mom A pos. I called our reference lab to see how they would work that up and they suggested that all positives on cord be retested with heal stick or venous blood first. We retested on heal stick, baby was still DAT pos. Mom has neg antibody screen. Mom most likely is creating antibody against low incident antigen that we don't have on our screening cells per our reference lab. Mom's, natural dad's and baby's blood along with ethnicity of both parents had to be sent to reference lab for work up for future pregnancies.
  14. Is this just for the donor processing facilities or are hospital transfusion services supposed to perform a check of the blood product units received from those facilities such as ARC, etc?
  15. Can anyone please tell me where on the FDA website I should look to see if this is a reportable event?
  16. Hello again, What is the frequency of the C, E antigens on D negative red blood cells? We have a male patient who received O Positive uncrossmatched emergency units in 2011. Now he is showing an Anti-D antibody. The tech who performed the crossmatches yesterday did only an immediate spin with an O Negative donor unit without ruling out Anti-C or Anti-E because the panocell results looked like Anti-D. The units were issued early this morning before a QA could be performed. I phenotyped the patient's initial T&S cells obtained before he received packed cells. Patient is type O Rh D=, C=, E= . What would be the probability of this patient forming either Anti-C and/or Anti-E as well? My ARC reference lab pathologist is on vacation, but I sent her an email asking this. Unfortunately, the patient is inhouse and symptomatic. Any help would be appreciated since I am new to BB mommahood.
  17. Thank you David and Scott. May not be able to win over my pathologist.
  18. I have recently ran into an issue that I would love to change in our facility but need documented information that I can reference for our pathologist to agree. Other facilities that I have worked at have extended their T&S and XMs for 10 days when the pre surgical patient has confirmed they have neither been transfused or pregnant within the prior 3 months. I have been trying to find the text in the AABB technical manual, but must be missing it somehow. Anyone know where I might be able to find documented reference material to provide for our pathologist, I would really appreciate it.
  19. Since we are a small hospital lab (25 bed critical access), I as well am leaning towards manual gel with tube as our back-up, so what to you has been tricky to interpret?
  20. Hi all, Looking into semi-automated blood bank testing. What are your thoughts and experiences with Gel vs Capture technology?
  21. So again a topic I brought to my lab manager's attention was the current protocol of issuing type specific red cells to non-emergent patients without history without the confirmation of patient blood type via retype from previously drawn or 2nd phlebotomy. Every other place I have worked at that a patient had no history required a retype or only O units were issued until retype could be used to confirm patient's ABO. The lab manager here wants to see the science behind the safety measure. Does anyone know of any AABB study or article or any others that address this?
  22. Sko681, can you embellish anything about the incident that would help me in a discussion with the lab manager and lab assistant lead? Also, what size is your facility? Thanks for any information that might help.
  23. They have been using a card filing system for the historical record. FinalCheck was the system I am looking into. The lab manager asked me to do the research to find out what system would provide excellent patient identification and transfusion safety with minimal cost and minimal extra duties for the phlebotomist. They claim that there has never been misidentification of patient with their current antiquated system of just using hospital label on tube, no specific blood armband, and no retypes. This concerns me, so I brought it to the lab manager's attention and was asked to do the research. The AABB tech manual had no set guidelines, just suggestions for best lab practice. I am trying to incorporate some of the safety measures with huge resistance from the phlebotomy lead. Thank you all for your comments, they are very helpful in my decision making process for better safer practices in the transfusion setting.
  24. Are there any facilities currently coordinating with Pharmacy's Pyxis system or similar program to issue and transfuse blood products? Has anyone ever looked into a similar Transfusion Services program? Are any facilities currently using the TypeSafe Typenex product? What is the safest way that you know to issue and transfuse blood products that eliminates all room for human error or a majority of human error? The Med Techs at our 25 bed critical access hospital are curious as to why we couldn't just coordinate with the Pyxis system since out lead Lab assistant is resistant about incorporating safer patient identification measures through blood banding or retyping. She believes that it is against Planetree philosophy and delays patient care.
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