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Everything posted by PAWHITTECAR

  1. I did it!!! First CAP inspection after being technical supervisor only 5 months. No deficiencies and no recommendation.....
  2. I have seen babies come in as newborns with a negative ABS (mom had a negative ABS ) and then return at 3-4 months with a positive screen. Only explination that makes since is they are the baby's antibodies...
  3. We use Phophylac with no problems...
  4. Younglove, Do not be concerned it the titre is still positive, as explained above sometimes a passively aquired anti-D can last for 6 months after the RhIG administration. Even if you were to develop a true antibody you chances of having a healthy baby are great! The advances in obstrentics and neonatology are amazing and still happening. Women who would have never had the slightest chance of having a baby are now proud mothers. I wish you and your husband the best of luck and a house full of bouncing babies..
  5. First-take a deep breath.. Were the same lot numbers in use throughout the entire time period? If so you can document that the "last" QC before the lost pages worked as expected and the "first" QC after the lost pages worked. Was this a recent month? Do you have any ot the specimens to retest? If so I would spot check a few (pos and neg) specimens that were tested during that time frame to prove that the reactions remained the same. I have found many things missing here (I just took over in September) and have documented them in this manner. hopefully when CAP arrives - sometime in the next 18 days - they will think that will work. I know when I worked in biochemical genetics we did this and CAP was fine with it.
  6. Mabel I'm not sure if this helps but we require the patient full name, Medical record number, what product that is requested and the name and signature of the courier (MD or Nurse) IT is working on an e-form that will auto pull all of the patient info onto the form then they just have to enter their name and sign it. They could probably have it pull H/H, Plt/ PT etc onto the form.
  7. Just AABB and the current practices in the area.
  8. Only in testing Rh positive patients that have an anti-D after getting it for thrombocytopenia.
  9. Make a 3-5% cell suspension (no washing needed to do the ABO/Rh type) and then wash the cell suspension 4 times and then add the reagents for the direct coombs and the control. There is a note that if the control is positive to repeat with 8-12 washes.
  10. What is the possibility that the first specimen was mislabeled?
  11. Cliff your a genius..My computer appears to be raining hearts!! Made me smile I appreciate it.
  12. We have seen instances where the K antibody that we use as part of our QC for panels did not react as expected when using the buffered cards. We finally completely quit using buffered cards.
  13. Our policy is to send it back!! In my many moons in blood bank I have had 2 instances where a unit did not type as expected. The 1st was labelled O and types as a VERY weak A come to find out it was a subgroup. It might not have been caught but working at a pediatric facility we looked at all of our forward groups under the scope (not units) so were used to looking for very week reactions. The second was labelled A Neg and we typed it as A Pos, After we returned it we received several calls back and forth because when they retested it they got negative again. We ended up testing it against 5 different manufacturers antisera and 2 out of the 5 were positive.
  14. About the only thing you cannot bill (and try to recover) is "fees" associated with the testing and search for units. Like stat fees for coming in after hours or recruiting special donors.
  15. Here it is a send out test. Since I came in September we have sent 1 because the fetal screen was positive and 1 on a Rh + pt that was in an automobile accident. Neither sent stat and in the case of the trauma I'm pretty sure they sis not use the result because she was discharged home before we even had the result.
  16. Thanks AMcCord that sound easy enough I think I will use it.
  17. But with Ortho I'm sure it would be 25% of customers or some such nonsense.
  18. I agree with SMILLER, If your techs do an anual compentency why are you "checking" them every time they do a diff? We only do manual diffs when something is wacky on the auto diff and then I wouldn't think that they should match.
  19. We use tube IS crossmatched. We have had trouble with the buffered cards in the past supressing antibodies, particularly Kell so we do not use them.
  20. Even a trauma just walking in the door can be identified in some way even if it is white male with stab wound. I really have a hard time with the thought of handing them blood with no idea where it is going. Slap a generic typenex band on him them his name can be RJZ 2414 white male.
  21. LaLamb I would love it too. patricia.whittecar@salinememorial.org
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