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Everything posted by R1R2

  1. Has this patient received IVIG or something similar?
  2. We are seeing the same issue. Reactions are 1+, DATs are negative. I don't think it is a V.
  3. I agree with John and no, I don't know of any standards or documentation requirements for this.
  4. Is a Helmer room temp monitor the same as a chart recorder?
  5. We would attempt to get the surgeon's or other attending physician's written OK to issue non irradiated units. If units are urgently required and we didn't have the OK we would send up an emergency release form with the units. We would never ask our medical director for an OK and I don't think she would give it.
  6. Totally agree Peter. Why is it OK to use expired panel cells with out QC? This is going to go the way of the 30 minute rule.
  7. I totally agree with estiner. The docs never request antenatal RHIG for an Rh positive pregnant woman.…the worst case scenario is that we issue a RHIG to a Rh positive woman who was mistyped Rh negative by another lab. We see many women without insurance and they cannot afford another blood type but they need the RHIG.
  8. 1-10 C. I consider the units in "transport" to the patient care area and back to the blood bank.
  9. Do you receive the form? Does it have expected date of surgery? Can you look through those forms on a nightly basis to see what samples are ready to expire?
  10. R1R2

    PathLabTalk Upgrades

    I missed Pathlabtalk!
  11. We have some physicians that order K negative blood for women of child bearing potential. I think it is just a matter of time that this will be the norm in the US.
  12. I agree with goodchild. This documentation can be completed after the emergency. You can present a document to the doctor with all unit numbers issued emergency release for one signature. Make sure your units or paper work are clearly labeled as uncrossmatched.
  13. We accept blood type results from other laboratories for the 28 week dose. We have not discovered any discrepancies. We have written procedures detailing the process.
  14. Hi ksmith, can you post the checklist item when you find it?
  15. I am not aware that blood banks are required to continously monitor and have an alarm on reagent storage areas.
  16. I agree with Malcolm, you have no choice. Is this what your policy states? I don't think you need a disclaimer. Could you remove the code "anti V" in the patient's file and add a free text comment instead? This may take care of the QA failures.
  17. Did you repeat the screen using the original screening cells?
  18. The hearts are making me a little nauseous (motion sickness issues). I think I will stay off BBT for a day.
  19. You could get rid of the separate BB bracelets or have the patient bring it back with them and attach on day of surgery.
  20. I agree with you Anorris. CAP may be a little off base with their answer to original poster's question.
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