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Pre Transfusion H&H SOP


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Do you have a policy in place for a pre transfusion H&H that has to be done before transfusing blood.



I've always been taught we have to have an in house H&H done prior to transfusion but there is currently no wording of that in our Blood Bank.   I just had a tech do a type and screen and issue out 2 units of blood on an outpatient with no history of any hematology done at our facility. How do we know the patient needed blood?



I've also had a doctor ask how old an H&H can be prior to transfusion if someone can also tell me what their policy for that is.


I had a dr write up the blood bank because she wanted us to use an H&H that was from 3 days ago but in the meantime the patient had left and come back and they wanted to transfuse but I said no Because I have no idea if that patient got transfused somewhere in the meantime.  


Thanks for any help!

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We require related lab testing for any product to be done in house.  If it is an outpatient that will be coming back the next day, we use the testing performed the day the type and screen is done.  We have found that the testing done in the doctor's office if often significantly different than what we find.  We then have pathology speak to the ordering physician and we have had transfusions cancelled based on our in house test results.

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