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Malcolm Needs reacted to gagpinks in HSD
Hi Amy
Feel free to ask questions. This is very good sites to share BT knowledge. The best person for this topic is Malcolm Needs as you can see in threads.
Good luck
Malcolm Needs reacted to Cliff in BloodBankTalk: Dogs, cats, and xenotransfusion
This was a fun one.
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Cliff in BloodBankTalk: Song about Transfusion
I just answered this question.
My Score PASS I remember this well, and played it over and over again when I first started work in the early to mid 1970's. THAT has just ruined any positive reputation I may have had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Malcolm Needs reacted to RichU in Weird antibody in pregnancy
Hi and thanks for your replies. Sorry for not updating - i've been off work.
Our enzyme method is papainised cells tested using BioRad NaCl cards.
A follow-up sample reacted exactly the same for us but the reference lab report a unspecified antibody by IAT and enzyme IAT, don't say they cannot exclude anti-D or anti-E and require no further samples this pregnancy.
Malcolm Needs reacted to Jane in Welcome Ncjane
Thanks y'all! I'm a previous member that lost access to the email I had signed up with. Excited to get back in
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Jane in Welcome Ncjane
Welcome to this FANTASTIC site Ncjane. Educating others is such a noble calling, and I hope we can all help you with your own calling to education. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Tessa in OB doctors order antibody testing on father of baby in HDFN cases--educational material?
Andrew Hadley and Peter Soothill (Editors). Alloimmune disorders of pregnancy. Anaemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia in the fetus and newborn. 1st edition. 2002. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0 521 78120 5.
Failing that, send them back to Nursery School, because it is THAT simple!
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Kelly Guenthner in OB doctors order antibody testing on father of baby in HDFN cases--educational material?
Andrew Hadley and Peter Soothill (Editors). Alloimmune disorders of pregnancy. Anaemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia in the fetus and newborn. 1st edition. 2002. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0 521 78120 5.
Failing that, send them back to Nursery School, because it is THAT simple!
Malcolm Needs reacted to Sherif Abd El Monem in Basic immunohematology : testing in tube by Dr.Sue Johnson
🧪 Dive into the world of immunohematology with Sue Johnson's must-watch video series! 🧪
Learn essential tube testing techniques, including ABO and Rh typing, antibody detection, and more. These videos are perfect for anyone looking to master the art of serology. Filmed at the Blood Center of Wisconsin and produced by Dr. Jim Perkins of the Indian Immunohematology Initiative.
Don't miss out on this valuable resource! 🌟
Basic immunohematology : testing in tube
Malcolm Needs reacted to John C. Staley in OB doctors order antibody testing on father of baby in HDFN cases--educational material?
Over the years have I discovered that information like this is best provided to physicians by physicians. There were a few that recognized my knowledge and expertise on the subject but the vast majority did not and some were even reluctant to get it from my blood bank medical directors. I would recommend having your medical director provide the book recommended by Malcolm. I wish I had a copy in my library when I was still working. Good luck. Let us know what you end up doing and how it goes. I'm sure that this kind of problem will be with us for ever!
Malcolm, you are correct, the info is relatively simple. It's getting them to step down, swallow their pride and listen that makes it difficult!
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from John C. Staley in OB doctors order antibody testing on father of baby in HDFN cases--educational material?
Andrew Hadley and Peter Soothill (Editors). Alloimmune disorders of pregnancy. Anaemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia in the fetus and newborn. 1st edition. 2002. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0 521 78120 5.
Failing that, send them back to Nursery School, because it is THAT simple!
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from BB Gal in Transfusion requirement for patient of A3 subgroup?
There is absolutely no reason to give group O red cells to a recipient who is A3. Even if the patient does develop an anti-A1, unless that antibody is reactive at strictly 37oC, they can still receive A1 red cells, but, if the anti-A1 does react at 37oC, there is no reason not to transfuse with A2 red cells that are IAT compatible.
Personally, I have never seen loss of A or B antigens through ALL, but I have with AML. In fact, in one case, we were able to follow whether the patient was in remission or relapse by the strength of the reaction of the A antigen with various anti-A reagents, but this was many years ago, and I honestly can't remember whether these were human-derived polyclonal reagents or early monoclonal reagents.
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Yanxia in Weird antibody in pregnancy
Which proteolytic enzyme do you use? I presume, as you are working in the Isle of Man, you use papain, but I just want to check.
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Tessa in Transfusion requirement for patient of A3 subgroup?
There is absolutely no reason to give group O red cells to a recipient who is A3. Even if the patient does develop an anti-A1, unless that antibody is reactive at strictly 37oC, they can still receive A1 red cells, but, if the anti-A1 does react at 37oC, there is no reason not to transfuse with A2 red cells that are IAT compatible.
Personally, I have never seen loss of A or B antigens through ALL, but I have with AML. In fact, in one case, we were able to follow whether the patient was in remission or relapse by the strength of the reaction of the A antigen with various anti-A reagents, but this was many years ago, and I honestly can't remember whether these were human-derived polyclonal reagents or early monoclonal reagents.
Malcolm Needs reacted to Arno in New educational opportunity: an Update on Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT)
Hello everyone,
Here is a new 100% educational opportunity (with PACE credits) for those who are interested in FNAIT. Here is the link to register Webinar | Bio-Rad
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Ensis01 in Titer controls
Agree entirely Ensis01, BUT, even then there can be a considerable variation in antigen expression, and so I still maintain that the previous sample should always be run in parallel.
Malcolm Needs reacted to REN_NH in Blood used organ donation services
Years ago we had a transplant team come from a larger hospital to harvest from a brain dead donor. We were 4 hours away from them and 3 hours away from ARC. As the sole overnight Lab worker in a rural hospital, I had to give many units to keep his organs alive, which included STAT taxi's, etc. The transplant team said to me "tell the Lab they are doing great". I said "consider it done, I am the only one here". It was the worst night shift, Blood Bank-wise I have ever had in my 32 years due to it being all on paper then. I would expect that the Transplant procurement team could bring their own box of blood along with their ECHMO -like device nowadays. Isn't the "patient" now in their hands once considered a donor? This should be reviewed by some committee along with AABB, etc., and regulations made to absolve the hospitals of any liability.
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from John C. Staley in Titer controls
Agree entirely Ensis01, BUT, even then there can be a considerable variation in antigen expression, and so I still maintain that the previous sample should always be run in parallel.
Malcolm Needs reacted to Ensis01 in Titer controls
For consistency you should probably have guidelines about the cells you select; i.e. stipulate for anti-D titers use R1R1 cells (or R2R2 or...), and for other antibodies stipulate the use of either heterozygous or homozygous expression of the antigen.
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Yanxia in Titer controls
If the titre is on a new patient, we (UK) would a NIBSC (National Institute for Biological Standards and Control) anti-D.
If it is a second or subsequent sample, we would titrate the stored (and frozen) previous sample, in parallel with the new sample. If there was found to be a difference in titre, we would again use a NIBSC anti-D in parallel.
Malcolm Needs reacted to Arno in Drug Induced Immune Hemolytic Anemia (DIIHA) vs warm/cold Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA)
I thought for the first time I would share one of the educational webinars we have been producing with the ISBT because it is a fascinating topic addressed by a great lecturer (Sue Johnson).
So do miss out on the opportunity to watch the recording of this ISBT educational webinar Could it be drugs? How to differentiate AIHA from DIIHA Start zoom webinar | The International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT)
Malcolm Needs reacted to Kelly Guenthner in Antibody Titers Performed on Gel
Discarding your tips is also the AABB standard practice:
Malcolm Needs got a reaction from Sherif Abd El Monem in New Blood Group System.
A research team led by NHS Blood and Transplant scientists based in Bristol, at NHSBT’s International Blood Group Reference Laboratory (IBGRL), and supported by colleagues at the University of Bristol, has discovered a new blood group, MAL. 🙌 🩸
They identified the genetic background of the previously known but mysterious AnWj blood group antigen, thus allowing identification and treatment of rare patients lacking this blood group.
Louise Tilley, Senior Research Scientist, IBGRL Red Cell Reference at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “The genetic background of AnWj has been a mystery for more than 50 years, and one which I personally have been trying to resolve for almost 20 years of my career. It represents a huge achievement, and the culmination of a long team effort, to finally establish this new blood group system and be able to offer the best care to rare, but important, patients."
hashtag#NHSBT hashtag#GiveBlood hashtag#SaveLive hashtag#NHSCareers Activate to view larger image, -
Malcolm Needs reacted to Arno in New Blood Group System.
I thought this would fit quite well with this discussion on new blood group system/antigen discovery
Advancement of new molecular tools for discovery of blood groups - Transfusion Today - October 2024