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Everything posted by RRay

  1. I have experience with Grifols analyzers but am currently with Ortho. With the multitude of supply issues and delayed shippings I'm trying to see if Grifols is feasible, especially in my area. I don't know of anyone in the West-Midwest using them. Everyone I know on Grifols is east coast or west coast. Curious to know if you've experienced any supply delays, back orders, etc. The core lab is shopping for alternatives to Ortho, so I may as well too. Any feedback appreciated!
  2. Yes! And if your LIS is compatible it can even EXM it for you if testing is complete. Blood kiosks are on my list, but I dunno if this grant can handle that price.
  3. The temp monitoring is crucial. I don't know if I could go back. If I didn't have it, that's what I'd get.... although I'd choose a different company. I'm not sure if RFID would be beneficial for a small hospital like mine. Maybe for coolers but we even have less than 10 of those.
  4. I left Sunquest in 2020, with the latest update. They had minimal transfusion reaction documentation that we had to supplement with EHR print outs. No on board QC. They did have an inventory search and paired with SmartTerm can print inventory reports as built. As a blood bank we were going paperless, so all of the QC and maintenance documentation and such was done through excel spreadsheets.
  5. I believe our middleware does the conversion.. We're on an older safetrace version. The only issue we have with donor confirmations is when you get multiple containers per unit #. They have to be manually programmed or done by hand and entered into BBLIS.
  6. Space... the final frontier. More space would be excellent! For us, 2 people in there is too many... add a student or trainee in the mix and it's uncomfortable.
  7. I wish. Unfortunately the grant can't be used to supplement wages or add FTE.
  8. Are you by chance using smart term with sunquest? Several years ago I had this configuration and we had to use smart term to "flush" the middleware.
  9. That standard is addressed here as the 4 max WB and as outlined within MTP and emergency release policy. A previous facility I worked at used WB for MTP until they ran out or were able to complete the Type and screen +ABOconf. Then XM PRBCs/FFP/PLT/CRYO rounds. The time frame there was per MTP, with unknown blood type. Tricky thing at my current facility is that WB is first two rounds of MTP regardless of current testing or blood type, so theoretically they could qualify for WB again with a new MTP activation, or under a new admission per se. Maybe I'm thinking about this too hard, but the SOP I'm working with seems a little thin and hasty. Why give uncrossed Opos WB to a patient you know is Apos (current T&S) just because they're initiating MTP? Only thing I can figure is that it's quicker to issue 2-4 units of WB versus a 4/4/1/ or a 6/6/1 MTP round.
  10. I haven't seen a filter but I've used retic harvest technique to "filter out" non-native cells for antigen typing when someone has been transfused in the past 90 days. Is this what you mean?
  11. Oh, sorry. Yes. Low titer anti-A and anti-B, group O Whole blood. This is probably a question for the lvl 1 trauma centers. Or alternatively, does anyone have maximum out of group limits for emergency release? And if so, what's the time frame on that?
  12. Anyone else use LowT WB for emergency release or MTP? Our current facility SOP states a maxiumum of 4 WB units to be issued. However, it doesn't list a time frame. I'm having trouble finding any study or recommendation on when a patient would next be allowed to receive WB. Never? For the life of the current specimen? For the current admission? 24 hrs? 90 days? Anyone know? I'm also making the assumption that this would be for those patients who are not Opos if all we issue is Opos WB. Is there any reason we would have to stop at 4 Opos WB units if the patient is Opos?
  13. Thank you! Got some great lay out ideas! much better than what I currently have. Seems like the last person in my position had a very "horizontal" brain where I am a "vertical" kind of person. Haha!
  14. Thanks everyone for the feedback! ACHC looks like a great alternative to CAP for many reasons. Might investigate that route.
  15. If you had grant money available to apply for, to be used in the blood bank... what would you use it on and why? Let's assume all your current equipment is functional and doesn't necessarily need replacing. Looking for ideas.
  16. @jshepherd Would you be willing to connect my IT manager and I to someone who can give some tips on the extraction? We're trying to see if this is possible for us to do but have hit a roadblock and Soft can't help yet since the contract is in legal.
  17. There's been a debate over dropping CAP accreditation after the VA did it. Has anyone done this? Please share any pros/cons you experienced. Right now we can only speculate. That would leave us with Joint Commission, CLIA/FDA, and AABB.
  18. Thank you! Do you just not offer it in house anymore?
  19. I've used Excel for this for many years and at different facilities. Never had inspectors questions digital initials/dates as we have change tracking and correction clearly outlined in SOP and turned on change tracking in Excel, with edits logged at the bottom of the form. I find it so nice because you can add conditional formatting such as the QC result can turn red if not within range and it is so much easier for me to do review without having to gather everything. Lab Director review can be done at their desk or remotely as well! It's very convenient.
  20. Thank you for the info! Very reassuring about trying it in house. So far one quote I received was $40k and 4 months, for under 60k patients. It's not even a GB of data, so I think that's wild! I may have to reach out again as we get more into it!
  21. Does anyone have a good titer result form they'd be willing to share for me to edit? Mainly for prenatal use. I was hoping the AABB service manual would have one, but I don't see it. I'm working with a horrible one and the more I edit, the more I just need something new. Curious to see more efficient ways to go about documenting this, as I plan to turn it into a digital form.
  22. When I did the blood bank lab at University of Kentucky, there were ~20-25 students on site and~6-10 at an extension program at the far end of the state. I can answer about that program, but it has been a couple years since I was involved. They were at a point of growth where they could get more students, but it would require teaching more than one section per class. What would you like to know? I also organized the student rotations for all lab sections with the University hospital. I can tell you what I know about that as well.
  23. I am aware of the format and file type needed by Softbank. My concern is how to extract it in the first place. Haemonetics is being less thank helpful. IT would like some guidance by someone with experience. We want to make sure it is or isn't doable in house before we spend money on a third party.
  24. Our blood bank is exploring a move to Softbank. However, the build quote only includes the upload and verification of archival data. We have to supply them with the archival data. One route to obtain this is "through internal IT resources." Wondering if anyone has any experiencing extracting data from Safetrace/HBB for use in Softbank.
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