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  6. There's a recipe for this in the AABB publication, Blood Banker Favorites: A Collection of the Best Recipes for Blood Sample Preparation.
  7. Many small hospitals lack the ability to reprint ISBT labels and create barcoded expiration dates, so it is acceptable to manually change the expiration dates on plasma to an expiration date of 24 hours. You must mark out the license number. Also make sure your nurses can't scan the original expiration barcode into the EMR by thoroughly marking through it or similar means.
  8. Doesn't Ortho sell the liquid sera for antigen typing in gel? Or do they not include the Rh types?
  9. Why not just use the correct reagent thats inteded for the Vision?
  10. The above advice is still on the ICCBBA website so would appear relabelling is not required?
  11. Did the advise in the attached screenshot from this site change? And if so which standard, document or reference etc details this requirement?
  12. Welcome to this BRILLIANT site KCH. Enjoy!
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  14. Hello KCH, Welcome to PathLabTalk. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. KCH joined on the 05/24/2024. View Member
  15. I just answered this question. My Score PASS  
  16. Also circular of information only mentions to relabel (ffp) after 24 hours to thawed plasma.
  17. AABB standard as shown in the screen shot mentions if issuing as FFP(after thawing), this implies it is ok to issue as ffp without updating the product? Is there any standard that states it should be relabelled?
  18. I just answered this question. My Score PASS  
  19. I just answered this question. My Score PASS  
  20. First step is to determine what are you trying to prove. Do you want staff to merely have a productive/reactive eluate, or do you need them to identify the specificity, too? As Malcolm says, if you're in a blood center/centre, with access to whole units of plasma containing IgG antibodies of various specificities, it can be relatively easy to sensitize red cells with the appropriate phenotype (from your RBC inventory). Using D+ cells with anti-D is the simplest approach (or use Check Cells). This would certainly satisfy the mandate for a productive/reactive results. But, if you want the added challenge of antibody ID, using the same cocktail of reactants each time will lessen said challenge (as Cliff commented). But, back to basics.....make sure you have a specificity which is IgG in nature, reactive only by IAT. It should be relative strong WITHOUT LISS or PEG enhancement - use the standard/original saline-IAT to chose your antibody source. Always incubate your sensitization phase at 37C. You may need to vary the ratios of packed cells to serum to get optimal results (typically at least 2 volumes of antibody to one volume of packed cells). The shelf life of the sensitized cells may be increased by suspension in a red cell storage solution/preservative.
  21. I never did it like this. We always incubated at 37oC, and usually had the luxury of using a mega amount of plasma from an entire unit of blood from an immunised donor, rather than from a patient or an expiring grouping reagent. This also meant that we had the luxury of being able to chose a donor with a weak form of the antibody. That worked for us (including preparing samples for teaching and exams at college/university. Sadly, I retired in October 2016, so I am no longer in a position to even try the way your old supervisor did this. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am not at all sure that I deserve to be called "a whiz", but, being excessively vain, I'll take it!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I just answered this question. My Score FAIL  
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