I have a sample from a patient with a previous history of warm auto antibodies. He is Opos and his phenotype is C+ c- E-; K-; Fy(a-b+); Jk(a+b+); S- s+. The screen (gel )this time is 1+, w+, 0 and AC is 3+. The DAT is 2+ with Poly and IgG, neg with C' and saline. The eluate is a 4+ panagglutinin. The panel (gel) shows all D+C+ and D-C+ cells as 1+ and D+ C- cells as vw+. All D-C- cells are negative. Phenotypically matched cells are 1+. Our policy is to give Rh and K matched for warm autos but if he has an allo anti-G, couldn't this cause a severe hemolytic reaction? I know I can differentiate using adsorbtion/elution studies. If it's an anti-D, -C, then it's auto and I can give R1R1 K-. If it's an anti-G, it could be auto or allo, right?