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Posts posted by illinoisbloodbanker

  1. Do you require a reverse type be 2+ or greater to be considered a valid type?  I am not aware of any requirement for a specific grade of reaction for a reverse to be valid.  If the reaction is macroscopic I have proceeded with my interpretation without further enhancement.  There is a hospital within our affiliation that has more stringent rules and I want to make sure I am not missing something. 

  2. To all the Erytra users out there I am wondering what you are using for your source of water. The Chemistry department in my lab will not allow me access to the Millipore system because it is plumbed directly to the Architects.  With my volume of testing it looks like I may need 6L of DI water per day.  Is anyone purchasing water for their Erytra? How is that process going?

  3. Thanks for all the information but as a small transfusion service I am wondering where I would get the large volume of cells needed to perform the alloadsorption. We don't routinely have them available and warm auto work ups are few and far between for us.

  4. We have found that washing the specimen and removing any buffy coat layer helps to diminish the complication of white cells in the final smear. As a final assurance, we always place the pippette at the bottom of the tube of washed cells to obtain our specimen for the stain. We have noticed a huge improvement. By the way, they are performed on all shifts by generalists.

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