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Are these CONVALESCENT PLASMA thawed codes E9752, E9762, E9763, E9764 and E9765 for24hrs or 5 days expiration? Thanks,
This is info from the ARC website. There are answers to quite a few questions, so it might be worth your time to check it out. If you get your product from another supplier, check their website for info. I'm betting they have something similar set up because everybody has questions right now.
We don't convert any plasma to 5 day outdates at my facility (FFP use is not frequent) and don't have the capability to relabel, so I set all of our outdates to 24 hours for thawed plasma. I plan on treating this stuff like liquid gold - I won't thaw it until the nurse is absolutely 100% ready to transfuse.
I'm also working on a build for convalescent plasma for the frozen plasma codes provided by ARC. I found thawed codes for them, see below if anyone interested.
Frozen Convalescent Plasma
Thawed Convalescent Plasma
E9747 Apheresis CONVALESCENT PLASMA|ACD-A/XX/<=-18C|COVID-19 --> E9752 Thawed Apheresis CONVALESCENT PLASMA|ACD-A/XX/refg|COVID-19 E9754 Apheresis CONVALESCENT PLASMA|ACD-A/XX/<=-18C|1st container|COVID-19 --> E9762 Thawed Apheresis CONVALESCENT PLASMA|ACD-A/XX/refg|1st container|COVID-19 E9755 Apheresis CONVALESCENT PLASMA|ACD-A/XX/<=-18C|2nd container|COVID-19 --> E9763 Thawed Apheresis CONVALESCENT PLASMA|ACD-A/XX/refg|2nd container|COVID-1 E9756 Apheresis CONVALESCENT PLASMA|ACD-A/XX/<=-18C|3rd container|COVID-19 --> E9764 Thawed Apheresis CONVALESCENT PLASMA|ACD-A/XX/refg|3rd container|COVID-19