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Everything posted by kackieanne

  1. Excellent! Thank you for the feedback It's truly appreciated
  2. I hope a phlebotomy question to this forum is ok--please forgive if not. I will be teaching phlebotomy in an MLS program soon, and I find that students often struggle with where to initially insert the needle--some start too low, many start right on top of the most prominent part of the vein and get a little blood spurt. I wonder if it is possible to use a surgery marking pen to mark the site. Not being a surgeon, I don't really know whether surgeons make incisions right through the mark, and don't know if by the same token you could insert the phlebotomy needle through a marked site. Thank you, generous forum members, for entertaining my question. I am afraid it's a stupid question, but don't know where else to turn for answers. Cheers, Kerry
  3. I have a colleague who is doing laboratory work as part of a medical mission in Central America. The only hematology stain she has is a quick stain with three bottles; fixative, stain A (pink, presumably eosin) and Stain B (blue, presumably methylene blue) She is asking about using the stain in malaria testing. I know the CDC recommends Giemsa, and using Wrights only as a quick test for follow up with Giemsa. Neither is an option for her. Does anyone on the listserve have any experience with detecting malaria on a quick stained blood smear?
  4. I saw a Blood Hound prototype 5-10 years ago. I wish the FDA would work faster. I think the technology looks very very hopeful.
  5. We just tried to order Serofuges for our student lab, and found out that BD no longer makes the Serofuge. Does anyone know when they stopped? What are people doing? I think we found some sources for the Serofuge 2002--but when those sources dry up, I think we'll have to go to another manufacturer for our student labs.
  6. My students really find the simulated diffs on this website to be extremely helpful. A subscription costs $35, and you can choose regular diffs or advanced diffs. The website is https://www.labce.com/ and you want the "WBC Differential Simulator". As to distinguishing reactive lymphs from monos: there are lots of ways to describe the differences, but in the end, it just takes seeing lots and lots of cells. Eventually your mind will make neural networks and you will just recognize the cells. To me it's like the experience of signing up for a class with people you don't know. At first, you have to make an effort to remember names and recognize faces. You might get two classmates confused. You might have to memorize distinctive characteristics: glasses, hair color, etc. Eventually, though, you just recognize them--even if they change hair color, or wear contacts one day. Your mind is designed to learn to recognize things by their appearance, so relax and give your mind as much experience with seeing these cells as you can possibly manage to give it. Keep looking at cells even if you are sick of it. You will eventually learn. Also, everyone learns at a different pace, so be patient with yourself and stick to it. Lab CE will help--I'm sure of it!
  7. I have a friend who volunteers in a clinic in Honduras. She currently uses a hematocrit reader but would like to use a point of care hemoglobin instrument. Any suggestions? The climate control in her clinic is not reliable, and she would have to transport any instrument she chooses. Thank you for your help, Kerry
  8. Hello, A marvelous hematologist shared her procedure for using Hema-Tek's stain reagents to perform a manual stain. The stain is beautiful, but I'm staining in Coplin jars, and by the end of a large batch of slides, I ended up with LOTS of precipitate on the slides. Does anyone have a way to remove precipitate from Wright's-stained slides? (I think next time I'll be sure to change the rinse reagent more often)
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