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Fawzia Ahmed

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Everything posted by Fawzia Ahmed

  1. we are following MIS Guidlined -Canidian Institute for health information- to calculate the unit value for each test so we can prepare our monthly productivity. i have the 2006 MIS Guidlines, can any one help me to get the latest MIS for Blood Transfusion? i need the link please TY
  2. Thanks for all of you. actually we dont know which unit will be return so we use to put the indicator on all units in the stock especially we are the one who is responsible to diSpatch the Blood to the other Blood Bank in the country. TY
  3. usually for us when we receive the cards we do validation on each lot number by testing with known positive cells for K Antigen and if it pass it will be ready to use. we will do suspension of red cells with diluent and add in the gel card, incubate and centrifuge then read the result.
  4. dear all we are using Safe-T Vue 10 on all our PRBC, but we noticed that, when we releasef the blood to the ward inside appropiate porter, when it reach there the indicator will turned to red color. we follow exactly the procedure from manufacturer but still we are getting red indicator during handellig these unit to the ward, i think because of the summer time and hot weather ?? maybe May i know your experiance, what is the causes of this problem and how it can be solve? by the way , we are keeping the porter inside the cold room in term to control the temperature especially in the summer time and of course we transport the PRBC with appropriate cooler numbers. thanks
  5. our policy in the MTP Protocol regarding FFP , if it was issued and returned after 30 minutes it will be discarded but if less than 30 minutes we will use it for transfusion with 24 hours. If the FFP was thawed but was not released or it was not taken, it will be used for other patient and extend the expiry to 5 days. Thanks
  6. we are using OCTAPLAS for liver transplant or plasam exchange procedures after thawing the expiry is 24 hours and it will be store at 2-6C in the fridge.
  7. we dont use expired Panel , only in case if the reagent was delay and it will be maximum one week after expiry not more. we run inhouse positive control which give week reaction like , Fya, Fyb, Lea & Leb.
  8. good morning usually in our lab when we do cross matching , and give us positive , DAT wil be done for the unit , if its positive, we will discard it to be in safe side and cross match another unit for the patient . DAT is not routien test for the donors.
  9. this is what i believe in case of PRBC transfusion , while in case of plasma transfusion , only we can issue AB
  10. if there is bleeding patient which is AB group , and the doctor requested for AB plasma to transfuse , while my stock is Zero, what can i do?
  11. in our Blood Bank lab which is the biggest and the main in the country , we do review of BB testing on daily basis, there is a bench called reveiew , after the technician complete all the test will refere the request to review bench , the technician in this bench will check the request starting from ID and test order, the reaction of the test , resulting , documentation of crossmatching, chosin proper blood components thin he release in the system , if there is any mistake he will report to the supervisor and will not release til the mistake will be solved.any cases for further investigation will be referd to technical incharge on the dyty. This bench on the three duty (morning , evening and night).
  12. we do type & screen as soon we recevied the sample and if there is any antibodies we identefied the anrtibody and prepare the blood in case of any bleeding. after 72 hours the order & request will treat as cancelled.
  13. prepare blood which is sickle negative . usually in our blood bank we use to do also full phenotyping for these patient in the 1st visit and prapare blood for them which is Rh & K Negative with the patient phenotype, for example if the patient phenotype is ( e +, E -, c + , C + , K-), blood which is E-, K-, will be prepared for him.
  14. hi to evry body actually the lab assistants , they are unlicensed, or with diploma , and they can do recieving , regestration , answering the phone , daily blood inventory , statistics and centrifugation the sample . they are not allowed to do any technical work because they are unlincensed. Thank You
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