Here is a follow up. The baby had tested with anti-A on 27, April and transfused with O washed cells the same day, but on 10, May she had no anti-A and received A type packed red cells with no transfusion reaction. She has stoped feeding on her mother's milk for 14 days.
I tried to persuade her mother to do some tests. The results came out and she has no anemia, with normal reticulocyte count and percentage. Her bilirubin and LDH are normal too. But she has not tested her haptoglobin.
She has not received any blood transfusion and IVIG. She just diagnosed with slight anemia during pregnancy and after birth. She had taken iron supplements during pregnancy,.
This is her eventh pregnancies and the third baby, she had several miscarriages. She told me her case seems like a mystery both to her and the doctors she know. She just want to know if she is ok and the baby will be healthy in the future.