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    United States

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    Clinical Lab Scientist
    Blood Bank Lead

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  1. We too bought the MaxQ coolers and we are very happy with them We use a plastic insert liner bag with each cooler so the blood units do not come in direct contact with the cooler Ours are blue not yellow Maybe each cooler size is color coded they are light weight and easy to handle PS we ordered a demo and they never asked for it back nor did they want payment for it when we actually made a purchase i validated them for 24+ hours, however we do not let them out over 12 hours usually we get our coolers back within 8 hrs
  2. Thank you all for your input. I appreciate the link to fda deviations.
  3. Is anyone here well versed in FDA Reportable Events? We recently had an incident whereby a unit of FFP was issued to a patient as Component B but the computer had the wrong product (component) code, so it had Component A as the issued unit. This was one of two units of plasma which were from the same donor. We were able to fix it in the computer shortly after the plasma was issued. No harm to the patient anyway but still we are wondering if we have to report this to the FDA. AABB technical Manual (19th edition) p.83-84 discusses the issue of blood product that was discovered to be in violation of the rules and a possible safety hazard for the recipient. In this case it was the correct product with a different component code in our computer. Any thoughts on this? We are still within the 45 days window to report a Blood Product Deviation.
  4. Thank youScott ourvthawrd plasmavhaf been in the refrig for an hour before being issued i am thinking that in a case like this we could apply the Temp Dots at issue and the plasmas could be placed back into inventory until their five days expiration instead of being wasted.
  5. Our lab policy is to place temp dots on cooler issued PRBC, but not on Plasma units. We do not currently have a policy on returns of thawed plasma after it was issued to OR we place temp dots on PRBC s but not on thawed plasma i am interested on what your policies are regarding placing thawed plasma back into inventory after having been issued to OR
  6. In my previous place of employment we had bought a microwave for plasma thawing. We had a lot of trouble with the unit bags staying on also the plasma didn't seem to always thaw evenly Before long, and after having tried it for a few months, every scientist in our lab opted for the water bath rather than the new microwave.
  7. In our hospital, as soon as a Massive Transfusion Protocol is initiated, one of our phlebotomist goes to ER to draw a sample for Blood Bank. It is written in our hospital MTP policy that this will need to happen. In OR, The OR personnel is instructed to draw a sample for blood bank. we are still in the process of refining our policy. We created a one page laminated placard that went to each department, describing what to expect during annMTP. Obtaining a sample for blood bank is mentioned on that placard.
  8. Thank you all for your feedbacks. ...and please keep them coming. I am listening. One question though...am I to understand that most of you are giving O POsitive to males and females (>45 let's say) as the first set of units to be transfused, without even bothering with O neg ?
  9. During an emergency transfusion,our Hospital policy has been to begin the first round of PRBC's with O Negative, and then to switch to type specific (when the type is known) or otherwise give O Positive if the patient is a Male or a female not of child bearing age. Recently, due to shortage of O Neg, there has been a suggestion to initiate the first transfusion with O Positive and not bother with O Neg as long as the patient is a male (or female over 50). For those of you who already have adopted a similar policy, have you encountered any problems after the fact, with the patient being readmitted somewhere and showing an RH positive blood type when really that patient could be RH negative? Do you issue cards to inform the patient of the possible change in blood type, at least for a few weeks after the initial transfusion? Any suggestions on how we should go about this?
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