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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2020 in Posts

  1. One thing I discovered in my many years as a Transfusion Service Supervisor is that inertia is the most powerful force in the Universe! Trying to initiate change, especially in blood banking can be extremely difficult, often impossible. Pick your battles carefully and make sure they are worth fighting. Good luck.
    1 point
  2. As you see from the posts here, there are various opinions of what to do. Correct =The regulatory agencies do state to run some sort of controls, etc. You are in charge, therefore you do what you believe is best within the guidelines when there are gray areas like this. If you believe you should change the protocol to 'QC for the Antigen', then do that. Validation? You have criteria, I'm sure, for the cells passing inspection for use. I venture to say that most hospitals don't keep reagent RBCs more than a month or two past their outdate. It would be interesting to hear about that. If you are running QC for the tested antigen 'Day of Use', that's your validation that the cell is still working for your purpose. (I maintain that 'validation' is needed for situations where QC is not going to be run, e.g. You validate the time a box will hold a temperature so you don't have to take the temperature every time.) We do validate that a new panel is ok by running QC Antisera with them when they arrive. I've had inspectors tell me I must do this and I've had inspectors tell me to stop. Hmmm … I do what I am comfortable with, i.e. err on the side of caution. We don't use outdated panels … too many issues.
    1 point
  3. Certainly the blood supplied by the NHSBT that what is on the label on the outside is GUARANTEED to be what is actually in the bag, and so no retyping is required. I THINK the same applies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, although am happy to be corrected. As all such "kills" would be reported to our regulatory authorities, and published in the annual Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Report, I can say for certain that no "kills" have been reported for many, many years!
    1 point
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