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Following a Warm Autoantibody with Direct Coombs Testing

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Good Morning,

We have a patient with a Warm Autoantibody transfused the middle of June.  The patient is now "being followed" by Oncologist with Direct Coombs testing every couple of weeks or so. Patient has been seen in our facility for the last few years and has only received blood the one time in June.  My question: the Direct Coombs is IgG 1+, C3d neg.  It has not varied since transfusion. Would you recommend repeating the eluate each time even though patient was transfused greater than 28 days ago?   Eluate - all panel cells react at equal strength.


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So Is the patient actually receiving some kind of treatment by the oncologist? If so, what medications is the patient taking? That makes a difference in deciding whether or not to perform the eluate each time, because there is a wide array of medications that can cause a positive DAT. especially weak ones. That is something to take into consideration. Also, why are you performing an eluate if the patient has a warm autoantibody? Why are you not performing Adsorbtions?

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