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Reporting to MHRA


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We have it that the lab staff incident log any error and report it to the lab manager/SPoT who then decide if it is reportable. Seems the MHRA aren't too fussy any more about cold chain and don't want to know about blood out of hand fridge for less than 5 hours - we got a lot rejected...

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They are however looking at time expired blood being available in the issue areas and units not re-stocked in time after these have passed reservation suitability date.


If the cold chain failure means that unsuitable blood is available for transfusion (ie taken out of fridge > 30mins and then returned to fridge instead of handing to lab staff, then I thought they were interested in these- because it shows a failure in proper control? If blood is out of fridge for >30mins, but is transfused to the intended patient within 4hrs (timing we use), then this is ok.



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They'll STILL get you Rashmi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not that I'm biased against them, of course.

They are not out to get anyone Malcolm...... you know my thoughts on this!!! And, I've heard that your particular inspector is actually very nice.!!!!

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Wouldn't bet on that for long Auntie-D. They have a habit of leaving something for a while (because it is getting generally better) and then coming back to it, and woe betide you if you have slipped. Critical, or at the very least, Major.

We still report them all - we care ;)

It is probably like Rashmi says - the blood isn't blood that has been returned to stock to use on another patient - it's just a delay in the commencement of the transfusion...

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