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About NB883

  • Birthday 12/02/1980

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  1. We currently send out our thrmometers for calibration. I would like to send 1 and calibrate the rest to it. I am not sure how to perform the calibration, does anyone know how many temps you need. Would it be just the range you need for your fridge or freezer?
  2. We have a place on our form for indications, but the nurse/secretary always write anemia. Even when hgb is well above 8.0. This makes the review very difficult. I was just trying to see if other people were reviewing all transfusions or a percentage. This process takes a few days to review approximately 50 transfusions. Charts are had to find and even harder to read!
  3. So in the rare case that the patient, as long as there is no potential for child bearing, makes anti-D. So what. The worse case scenario involves transfusion of Rh pos red cells in an emergency. This could cause an extravascular reaction, meaning decreased red cell survival.
  4. Is anyone involved in transfusion reviews? If so do you review every transfusion or sample a percentage? It is very hard to find indications for transfusion. They always state anemia when the hemoglobin is above 8.0
  5. We have strong reactions. But it is only used for retyping donor units.
  6. RhoGAM does have the ability to cross the placenta, and can cause a weak positive DAT, especially if you use the gel method. It is a low titer and not harmful to the baby. We recently had a case where this has happened.
  7. Thanks! I always want to find an answer. It is difficult to just leave it as positive. But in most cases it isn't really all that important to investigate it. In almost all of our cases the baby is fine and the source of the problem is gone.
  8. It has been suggested to me to just report out that the Cord Blood DAT is positive, and not to take it any farther without phsician request. I want to know what other labs do and what other blood bankers think about this.
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