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Everything posted by mrosebug

  1. We recently had a vendor come in to our facility to promote a blood vending machine. The idea is to get rid of the lab on the OR floor to save FTE dollars. The alternative being considered is to place one of these refrigerated blood storage devices in OR. We have a large OR and busy Transfusion Service, unfortunately not on the same floor. There is skepticism on this being safe and effective in practice. Does anyone currently use this? Could you advise about benefits, pitfalls, problems? Thanks!
  2. I was surprised the number of SBBs was so low! I am proud to say we have 6 in our department alone with several talented techs studying for it currently! It is a tough test but felt good to pass it. We have a terrific Medical Director who offers tutorials and test prep for anyone interested.
  3. Am curious how the acceptable volume of incompatible plasma was determined? Is this something your med director determined? I don't recall seeing it in Tech Manual but I certainly could have missed it. Mary Riddle
  4. Heck, with an 8.5 Hgb, I would try to avoid transfusion on this patient a little longer anyway.
  5. Thanks for the input. Patient typed Jka+b-. I don't know about the donor but it would be interesting. Mary
  6. We have a 15 yo male patient who is 9 years post renal transplant. Last known transfusion was in 1996. This patient has been identified with anti-JkB in solid phase with 2 and 3+ reactions. Patient presents with slightly decreased urine output but clinically is otherwise asymptomatic. He been noncompliant with medication. The technical manual gives a brief mention of Kidd antibodies acting as histocompatiblity antigens in renal transplant. I have not found any other illuminating information on this relationship. I found it curious that the reactions were so strong (and neatly fitting) in a patient so far removed from transfusion. I know that Kidds famously do not always follow the rules but... I was hoping someone might have further information or insight. Thanks in advance! Mary
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