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Everything posted by Yanxia

  1. I notice our anti-D reagent says: if the sample is jaundice or fattiness will interfere the result. Would some friends kindly tell me what is the reason and what interference will happen? Because the factory is German, I don't know German. Oh , it is Biotest AG.
  2. I have received help from a friend. Thanks!
  3. Would some friend kindly send Geoff Daniels's Human Blood Group( second edition) page 219 to me? I have missed this page. Thank you! shilysunny@yahoo.com.cn
  4. I don‘t know in USA if the father and the mother all D negative, whether the mother will receive prophylaxis or not. I said that just because I remember some book said it need not. In China we will routinely test D antigen not E e C c, so some Rhnull will be treated like D negative. If one of the parents is D negative with normal RHAG, the other is Rhnull of the regulator type, then the baby mybe a D positive. On 8 month do not give the prophylaxis,then immune the mother.
  5. My teacher said PEG as an enhancement reagent will nonspecific uptake antibodies, so we normally test with a negative control(use AB serum have not irregular antibodies). Mybe it will uptake alloantibodies with autologous cell. I have not use this reagent before, this is just my guess. Mybe there is some method to avoid the nonspecific enhancement which I don't know.
  6. It just remain a mystery to me. I had sent a email to IMMUCOR, but I have not receive the answer. I think it mybe the writer's mistake .
  7. If the autoantibody react more strongly with one antigen like E, what will you do ?
  8. I don't think anti-Ael is the same as anti-AE1. I had sent an E-Mail to the writer, but she is too busy to anwser my question till now. She had mentioned anti-Ael in a forum before the article printed. I will try other way to get the answer, mybe dial to them as Johna mentioned above.
  9. I read it in a paper in Chinese. It said anti-Ael produced by Immucor (I wish I have spelt it right) .
  10. Would you tell me in 'Total Credit Hours: 17 SH 'what the SH stand for ? And the differ between Traditional SBB Certificate Course and Professional Development Course ? Thanks!
  11. Thank you , donellda. Because I want to have a new work in reference lab , I must have a qualification. Nowadays I work in a hospital, but I think I prefer to work in a reference lab, just for hobby.
  12. I am Chinese. I want to improve my knowledge about blood transfusion medicine. If anyone can tell me more about to study in USA , the demand and charge? Thanks!
  13. Does this kind of antibody reagent exist ? And why can it test Ael, does it mean Ael is quality differ from other A type? Thanks for your help! I am a Chinese. Would you kindly modify my error in English usage, thank you very much!
  14. We don't routinely irradiate all the blood components for the infants. We just irradiate it for the immuno-deficiency baby , the baby have been intrauterus transfused and the blood component comes from the family member. I think do the antibody screening can use the mother's blood only then give the baby antigen negative blood component.
  15. I just read a book says:the postpartum blood sample which used to do the FMH test should be draw as soon as after the injection of anti-D .
  16. But the blood circulation is so fast that it just take 20s to complete one circle. I think the time of 30-45min is too long.
  17. Sorry, the organ is spleen not liver. I have seen a kind of opinion said the sample should be drawn 30-45min after delivery,it will give time to let the fetal blood disperse within the mother's blood stream. See here http://www.bcshguidelines.com/pdf/pregnancy_070606.pdf
  18. The fetal's RBCs are taken with the mother's blood stream, it can be catched by mother's spleen and liver and at these organs the antigen presenting occur,then the circulating fetal RBCs will be less ,so I think it is better to draw blood sample as quick as possible.
  19. In China, we often meet the ABO HDN infants' cord blood cell is DAT negtive or reaction is very weak, even they are yellow and need exchange transfusion. P.S. We do it in tube and check macroscopically. We don't routinely test the cord cell. We do when the newborn is yellow. And use elution test to diagnose the illness.
  20. Almost all of the healthy adult serum have anti-T antibody,so I wonder how can we transfuse a T-polyagglutination patient. And what kind of anti-T antibody in adult's erum ,IgM and/or IgG? Nowadays we all use monoclonal anti-A and anti-B reagent which can't detect the T-active, maybe some patient have been given plasma or some component have plasma, especially for the HUS children. Is there some standard about this question ?
  21. We detect Algoriphagus,I don't know whether this name is right, it is a kind of germ which can grow in 4 degree C , it like cool environment. If we don't incubate the blood in 4 degree C, mybe we can't detect it .In China this is our SOP, I don't know if the germ infection between differnt group of people is not the same.
  22. Thank you . I know it now,it is the post I am the sponsor.
  23. I always wonder to see some post's color is different from others. :tongue:
  24. Please permit me to explain it . In China we do 4 degree C incubation because some germ can grows in 4 and produces toxin which is harmful when the blood is transfused to a patient. The germ maybe not grow in 37 degree C ,but the toxin is here.
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