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Split plateletpheresis products

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we have started with double platelet collections recently.

What is the best time to split the product?? immediately after preparing it or at the time of issue? hw to know which split shoul have how much volume and platelet count and what should be the ideal procedure for decing how to split the product?

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  • 2 weeks later...

You will want to review the regs. There are some very specific requirements for validation QC of split products in the US. Also the manufacturer's recommendations.

For example, CaridianBCT (Spectra/ Trima) manufacturing specs state that the products be in their final storage environment within 24 hours of collection.

I believe most blood centers will split the two products at the time they get the bacterial sample (usually 24 hours).

You will need to validate your ability to split products by demonstrating that you can get an 'equivalent' yield. (i.e. a 6.4 product will yield you at least 2 - 3.0s). Once validated, I believe you do not need to test each individual product for yield - just the "mother" bag for concentration and then weigh them to determine the yield.

Most centers also set a "lab minimum" before they will split (like a 6.4 for a DPP, and a 9.6 for a TPP). Your apheresis device manufacturer should be able to give you some guidance on this. Most centers have been doing split products for a while now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It doesn't matter if you separate it after the procedure and as long as you met the double dose yield, you can separate it into equal volume. Be sure that you separate it into a close system method. But if you will puncture it as open system you must consume all the double dose within 4 hours after puncturing for safety purposes

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