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Meditech - Blood Type Calculation

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I am trying to refine my blood type calculation for cords and infants. This is the only time that we routinely perform weak D testing. I don't want to confuse the doctors by reporting out a weak D patient. If I could have one calculation where the Anti-D could be positive (Rh pos) or the Weak D posiitive (Rh pos) it would be wonderful. Sadly, I have been working on this long enough that I've suffered almost complete brain drain! Thanks for your help!!!!!!


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What do you mean by "calculation"?

The only time we perform weak D testing is "on Rh neg babies of Rh neg moms".

If the cord blood is Rn neg and Du neg - baby is reported out as Rh neg only. (Our LIS has a place to record the Du testing but Dr never sees it - too confusing).

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Our setup auto-defaults the Weak D section of Cord Bloods to NP when a non-negative result is entered for the IS Anti-D field. The blood type calculation makes the interpretation, and the tech verifies before completing.

When the patient is Weak D positive is the interpretation different? That is the only way that I can get the calculation to work. Thanks!


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Probably. In the Meditech BB Dictionary you can build a calculation for your blood types, antibody screens and crossmatches. This prevents errors in interpretation. My concern is with Weak D positive infants. Currently, I cannot figure out a way to call the weak D positive baby just "Positive".

By the way, I'm in a constant state of confusion. Perhaps therein lies my problem!!!


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The "Truth Tables" are located in the Calculations section of the BBK dictionary. We have two ABO/Rh orderables: one for adults and one for infants. The infant one has the Weak D fields, whereas the adult one does not. Each has its own truth table, and the former has a longer truth table to account for all the extra possibilities. We have alot of rules, too, such as "if Anti-D is positive, then NP" on all the Weak D fields.

We call all Weak D patients as Rh positive (although you could set up a third Rh possibility). Cord truth table: "Anti-D = pos and Anti-D AHG = NP", then Rh pos. "Anti-D = neg" and "Anti-D AHG = neg", then Rh Neg. "Anti-D = neg" and "Anti-D AHG = pos", then Rh pos.

The biggest problem with Meditech is that you have to become a local expert, since their tech support is relatively poor. But with the help of this forum, I can do pretty much what I want with the system ...

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Also, in your Blood Type dictionary, you can have different mneumonics for weak D types. We have a mneumonic set up for AP(WD) for A Positive, weak D. However, the name is just

A Positive. This name is what is reported out on the external report, so it does not confuse the docs and floors as to what

weak D stands for.

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I have two calculations set up for ABO, RH. One is called BT, and uses just ABD, AC BC ( with the last being cells). the other is the TYPEF calc and it has rules for WD and RHC, for controls. Which meditech version are you using? We just went to 6.0 Client server from Magic 5.62, and I had both set up. If you set up the TYPEF calc, use the label as DU for example but the trigger test is WD, then DUC and trigger being RHC for test. The target test for this is BT, which includes only ABO RH, and will report just A pos for example. Feel free to email me privately and I can send you some screen shots! lthedford@petersonrmc.com

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