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Cerner class expert needed

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Our facility is currently moving from Classic to Millennium. One of our techs is working hard to clean up old card files so that all patient history can be uploaded into the new system. Every since I have worked in the blood bank nobody could ever tell me how an Antibody can be removed from PTC (entered either though a result or TMT). We would love to remove some that have been entered incorrectly or *’d so that they do not clutter the new system. Do anyone know how this is done.... Remember these are old accession numbers that have been achieved and I don't want to replace them I want to remove them. Also if anyone knows how this is done in millennium that would be helpful too. Thanks

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Our understanding is that you may be able to clean them up after you export the data from Classic and before you import them it into Millennium. If you are working with a Cerner Migration team on this, they would be the best resources. If not you can send me an email at rnozick@rfnozick.com and I will see if we can help you.:)

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There is a way to do it, but I believe that it is messy. I believe that you could restore the record of the old accession numbers and then go in and ECR the results. In return, I believe that in PTC the antibody will be removed, but have ERR in its place.

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When you export your old files, you should get or be able to get the files in Excel format. From there you can do a very simple find and replace. We went from Lifeline to Cerner Millenium and worked the files over probably a couple dozen times before we had all the fields populated like we want.

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We are always removing items from TMT. You need to go to TMT, choose the stay in which the antibody was originally added. You'll get a list of items added during that stay. Choose the line you want to delete. You can only do this if you know when the antibody was added, which is sometimes difficult to figure out.

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We usually use TMT or ECR to change the antibody to ABR (antibody removed) and then explain in PTC what happened. We have had a few rare instances where this wouldn't work, or we could not remove the antibody completely from the history. (For example, an antibody id and an antibody from an eluate were resulted on the same accession number, or someone did a CMB in error.) There is a utility function out there, but I recommend getting direction from Cerner, called U84 you can use to change or delete an EH99.

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