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Everything posted by kelliott

  1. As of 4-26 we will be attaching a tie tag with an eye readable product code barcode and facility ID. We will continue to add a thawed plasma revised expiration label that contains the thawed storage temperature. This is interim until we implement ISBT 128 in the fall.
  2. I can remember a meeting 8 years ago when only the medical director, myself and one other person being in attendance. Currently as co-chair with a med onc physician we have in attendance at each quarterly meeting at least 6-10 physicians, 1-4 nurse representatives and a Quality department representative. During these years we have revised the informed consent form,implemented a transfusion order form, implemented a system of prospective review where 90% of the orders to transfuse are reviewed prior to transfusion, implemented the surgical blood order schedule, elevated the surgical blood order schedule to a standing order to reduce the number of patients with T&S the day of surgery, implemented a massive transfusion protocol where the blood bank controls the transfuion of blood products based on documented transfusion triggers, implemented a system where non group O patients with historical blood type require a 2nd blood type from a 2nd sample prior to transfusion, arranged for a blood conservation specialist, Dr. Tim Hannon to speak to entire medical staff prior to implementation of our transfusion order form, revised the transfusion guidelines 2-3 times during the 8 year period, the quality department tracks and trends transfusion related events - events level are discussed and an action plan generated to improve processes. In general our transfusion committee has been instrumental in providing support needed to ensure justified and safe transfusions in our institution and at the same time conserve blood products. There are many good articles out there related to how to resurrect the transfusion committee. Saxena, et al, Shulman, et al have published multiple times in Transfusion.
  3. We do an eluate only if the mom's antibody screen is positive and if requested by the physician.
  4. We have been using the system for 10 years. After our initial training we were ready to send the equipment back - it was not performing as well as our PeG tube method. Another trainer came and informed us that we were losing sensitivity when all of the reactants did not remain in the reaction chamber during incubation (in other words - there must be an air gap). After that the sensitivity met our standards. If you don't have an airgap you will miss a weak antibody (antibody reacting 1+ or less). When we have a miss pipette (the cells touch the gel column we reset the test).
  5. I would ask your assessors for the reference to the regulation they are citing and where it specifically states proficiency testing is required for autoadsorption.
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