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    United States

About cover-slip

  • Birthday 11/19/1955

Profile Information

  • Interests
    In addition to my (microscopy - based)
    treatment and diagnostic inventions,
    my career mission is to decentralize
    microscopy - based laboratory techniques;
    so that if possible, tests are not "sent - out" to an
    outside laboratory.

    In other words...

    You'll personally make the profit, and/or...

    Your department does the tests, and/or...

    You're NOT going to be pushed around by an
    arrogant insurance company or a "bossy" HMO utilization
    board, and/or...

    Your personal career is the one that gets advanced, and/or...

    You'll be the one who does the extremely sophisticated
    diagnostic tests that typically cost $400.00 to $1,500.00
    apiece at an outside lab, and/or .....

    You'll be the one with both the knowledge and up-to-date library to assist the MD to formulate an initial (tentative) differential diagnoses.
  • Biography

    Worked in biotech product development for 15 years,
    and then got grants for my own hematology and immunology treatment - inventions.
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Life-Sciences Researcher; Microscope Applications Inventor

    (1) Very Early Disease Detection

    (2) New Treatments for Disease

    (3) Disease Maintenance [For Symptom Reduction]

    (4) Trade-Secret Microscope Construction;
    I'm able to Reduce microscope Equipment Cost by almost 75%,
    and am big-believer of "personal - ownership" of equipment.

    (5) Mentoring & Scholarship;
    I voluntarily (no charge) fortify and augment the careers of gifted scientists if they come up with
    a new and original biotech and/or laboratory invention.

    I'll do the patent search and write the first - draft of the patent application.

    I'm a big-believer of "personal - ownership" of equipment,
    especially to form your own practice.

    Furthermore, when you get a grant, the equipment belongs to you and STAYS with you; wherever you go. It does NOT belong to the university or institution where you received the grant!.
  • Real Name
    [Will Not Disclose]

cover-slip's Achievements

  1. If I'm only occasionally doing venous blood-draws for a few drops of blood for research purposes only, can I dispose of these very small amounts of blood by simply: (1) Diluting it with 10% bleach solution, and dispose in the toilet. (2) Hire a commercial bio hazard service to pick up the blood?? Somewhere there's a protocol on the 10% bleach solution, for blood disposal, but I can't find the written protocol. Thanks and Happy Holidays!. Dr.
  2. Ok... On the used or refurbished equipment part of this... you're in a minefield and danger zone, cause you could lose your shirt real quick. Be careful about Ebay!! You're not talking about a small centrifuge (a minor repair, like a compressor-motor is around $2,500.00!). Do The Stuff Below, Before You Buy Anything! (1) Whatever you do.. (A) Make sure you're able to purchase a renewable service contract that includes long-term availability of parts, labor and you don't have to ship the unit to get fixed (like a $1,000.00 in freight charges!!) ( Make sure you get in writing that the service contract is renewable, and how much the increased costs are for future contracts, and for how long you can renew it. © Make sure the company that makes it is still in business, and absolutely get a service-repair manual, a repair manual and contact the company to find out if they're going to continue to supply parts, and give them the serial number of the unit you want to buy and ask them for the sales AND repair-history of the unit!! (D) Contact your insurance carrier, and ask them for a policy-rider that if your centrifuge breaks down beyond repair; will they replace it?? "Business insurance"?? (E) There are 3rd party places that sell service contracts (like "squaredeal"-you'll occasionally see them on Ebay). (F) The dirty secret about the manufacturers is that they have a "secret inventory" of minor scratch-and-dent products that work as good-as-new, but they reserve them for only their "best customers" Ask them for this type of consideration if you're a non-profit organization, or; talk to them before you buy anything because they probably have some old marines sitting around the repair department they'd like to sell quickly, AND they'd give you a renewable service contract. Hope this helps. Dr.
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