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Everything posted by bethell

  1. Does anyone have an sop/protocol they are willing to share or can they briefly detail transfusion requirements for patients undergoing renal transplants? This is something we are about to look at and any advice will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Does anyone have an sop/protocol they are willing to share or can they briefly detail transfusion requirements for patients undergoing renal transplants? This is something we are about to look at and any advice will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Thank you all for your answer, we do not keep b units in stock as very little use for them. We are a good 70 mins away from the blood centre and the next best thing was group o, we gave 7 units of o and I wondered if it would have any clinical impact as the anaesthetist was not happy.
  4. Sorry I mean high titre - negative for anti a & b
  5. Is there any reason for not being able to give group O blood to a group b patient if it is HT negative and would there be consequence if say 7/8 units were given?
  6. #2 the specificity is auto C
  7. Have been given a few questions by my senior to see if i am going along the right lines, can someone confirm i am before i go back? 1. pan reacting autoantibody / no specificity. -crossmatch by IAT -set up auto -match for Rh phenotype -issue most compatible unit same for cold pan reacting autoantibody? 2. Auto antibody ie C,e etc -C for example, issue C pos units and c neg units as the patient already has C antibodies and we do not want to develop little c? (hope thats the right way round). 3. antibodies with no specificity -IAT crossmatch units that are Rh matched? Any pointers on the above would be great. Thanks
  8. Thank you all, I have learned from this case, it turned out to be anti N causing all those problems.
  9. Patient with following reactions anti- a 4+ anti- b - anti- d + a cells - 4+ b cells - 4+ what could be causing this? The abs screen is also positive, could this be a cold antibody?? no tx history.
  10. Thank you malcolm, but the same reagents and cards are used for both methods? I dont quite understand what the difference is??
  11. Any ideas? We ran a sample on our Gelsation the screen came out negative but there was a little (and I mean little, could of called it negative) something in one of the wells. We decided to confirm it by running the screen manually, the manual screen came out positive (2+) in one of the wells. Running an IAT and enzyme panel on the gelstation both came out negative. Why did the manual method give a positive reaction when the automated was negative, we use the same reagents for manual and automated? And we repeated it. Thanks B
  12. We have a patient who has undergone a BM transplant (patient originally group O, now been given BM from an A donor). His group is coming up mixed field but this is because we are still transfusing him with O blood every 7 days or so. My question is how can we tell when he has completely transformed to his new blood group (A) when he keeps having O blood? We would like to give him his new group but not sure what the next step shoud be?
  13. Sorry reverse group should say neg in A cells, pos in B cells.
  14. Patient has a forward group O Pos. Reverse group neg in A cells pos in B cells. Could this be a case of anti A2 (we use A1 cells at moment). Should testing with A2 cells solve the problem? B
  15. Is it unusual to not detect Kidds in an enzyme panel?? B
  16. Is it possible for Kidds to not show up in an enzyme panel? B
  17. Hi all, my first post on here. I'm no expert in blood bank issues but am very keen and would like to find some info about the following, if anyone can help I will be very gratefull. Sorry if the questions are fairly basic to some of you. 1. Cold aggs and the best way to deal with them? - Warm the sample and carry out the group and antibody screen using warmed equipment - pipette tips, cards etc. If there is no antibodies present the screen should be neg. If the screen is positive could this be due to the prescence of an antibody or the cold aggs? and how would you proceed? Where does the keeping the patient sample at 4C for an hour come into play, if at all?? 2. When identifying antibodies via a panel, why is it that the coombs panel will, most of the time, be clear cut and show easily a Kell, E, C etc but when you do an enzyme panel the panel results just dont match up to what you were expecting? Is it because the panel is also picking up non specific reactions as well as the antibody? Hope someone can answer these questions for me, again sorry if its basic stuff! B
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