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Everything posted by mlongval

  1. 1. Albumin-blood bank 2. Clotting Factor concentrates-blood bank 3. Rh Immune Globulin-intramusular-blood bank 4. Rh Immube Globulin-intravenous (WinRho)-blood bank 5. IVIg-blood bank
  2. Currently at our facility we are using a Rosys Plato for donor testing. When we receive new kit reagents we do a thorough visual inspection and a parallel QC test. Now the manufacturer is shipping componets instead of kits. 1. Should each lot of capture tray be tested? 2. Should each lot of indicatior cell be tested? 3. Should each lot of positive and negative control be tested? Feedback would be apprecitated as to how you ensure QA of reagents received at your facility. email mlongval@partners.org or respond to this thread. Thank you, -Matt
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