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Posts posted by ANORRIS

  1. “Select” expired panel cells shall only be used to assist in ID & not used for ID alone. They are “rare” and can be used for pt. testing up to 60 days past exp. date. They shall be QC’d w/ a pos and neg control for the antibody one is trying to rule out. (If trying to rule out an anti E, use E antisera & saline). This will ensure random agglutination is not occurring. If the cells are discolored (brown or green) or appear cloudy, or appear to be contaminated or degraded in any way they shall not be used. These panel cell lot numbers and exp. dates, control lot numbers and exp. dates, and results shall be documented

  2. Gotta love semantics!!! I don't see any where that indicates that the sample must physically accompany the orders/requests just when they do they must match. I think a case could be made for the word accompanying meaning "in association with" in this particular case.


    I emailed the dilema to AABB. I will post their reply when it arrives.

  3. Our ER department sends a patient sample to the BB incase the MD adds on a T/S or a XM. The request comes after the sample has been brought to the BB. Therefore, the sample and the request are coming seperately, not at the same time. I read std 5.11.1 as they must come together. Can anyone clarify this or add to it?

    AABB Std 5.11.1 states:Requests for blood, components, tissue, and derivatives and records accompanying blood samples from the patient shall contain sufficient information to uniquely identify the patient, including two independent identifiers. The transfusion service shall accept only complete, accurate, and legible requests.

  4. Not only that, our OR won't accept ARC coolers as they have been outside of the hospital, which I understand, but they will accept styrofoam coolers which they have no idea where they came from or where they have been. Go figure. AND......we see the OR staff all over the hospital in their scrub caps and booties, and they go right back into the or rooms wearing the same ones????

  5. I recently purchased a new blood transport cooler for the purpose of transporting blood to the OR. Not for storage, but for transport only. It was validated extensively by the manufactrurer with 67 pages, ugh, of proof. Must I re-validate for AABB? Seems like I would be re-inventing the wheel, but???

  6. I seem to have weak reactions when preparing antibodies for students. I am not sure where my problem lies. Can someone share their recipe with me? This sounds absurd, but I can not brew up a good strong batch. (I am making myself sound like a witch...;))

  7. I wrote the QA manual for both the BB and the main Lab. Both are quite lengthy, as in multiple manuals. I used the AABB QA requirements for the BB of course, and then formed it to fit the main lab as well.

  8. 5.11.1 AABB Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services

    Transfusion Requests

    Requests for blood, components, tissue, and derivatives and records accompanying blood samples from the patient shall contain sufficient information to uniquely identify the patient, including two independent identifiers. The transfusion service shall accept only complete, accurate, and legible requests.

    Based on this standard, the sample is sent with an accompanying order.

    This makes me think that if the order for blood was not sent with the tube drawn for the Type for the FFP, then a new tube must be drawn and sent with the order for a T/S or XM.

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