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Laurie Underwood

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Everything posted by Laurie Underwood

  1. Our patient charts are divided with tabs, one for lab. The unit tags are placed on yellow mounting paper so as to be easier to locate when nursing is flipping through the patient's chart.
  2. Blood Type Calculation Infant Calculation Formula [f bbk truth table]^X, IF{'X [f bbk err msg]("Invalid blood type calculation.")}, X; AP(WD) Anti A Inf = Pos Anti B Inf = Neg Anti D Inf = Neg Anti D AHG = Pos Anti D Ctl = Not Pos Blood Type Dictionary Mneumonic AP(WD) Name A Positive
  3. Also, in your Blood Type dictionary, you can have different mneumonics for weak D types. We have a mneumonic set up for AP(WD) for A Positive, weak D. However, the name is just A Positive. This name is what is reported out on the external report, so it does not confuse the docs and floors as to what weak D stands for.
  4. I have talked to my lab IT specialist. He will talk with nursing and find out exactly how they enter the transfusion info. and then I will get back with you.
  5. We are on Meditech Client Server. Currently, our nurses enter in transfusion information in the EMR under the Patient Care area. They have a Blood Administration area where they can log in start time, end time, vitals, signs and symptoms,... We do receive a duplicate unit tag back into the Blood Bank as part of our assessment area for transfusions to monitor that transfusions are being started in the allowed time, they are not lasting over 4 hours, to monitor vitals which are written on the tag...when JACHO came they suggested this. When we get TAR up and going, hopefully items will cross over to the Blood Bank so we will no longer have to receive tags back.
  6. Are you on Client Server for Meditech and do you have the TAR up/running?
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