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Everything posted by Bbank90

  1. Taking this case further...an alloadsorption was done, only one cell was positive when redoing the screen. C and E were then ruled out with a select cell. Crossmatch results were as follows: IS compatible, Peg- IAT incompatible, Peg-IAT with adsorbed plasma was compatible. In theory this faculty will only accept usage of PEG when crossmatching for them. Getting mixed messages regarding the approach taken. I’ve seen cases similar and not sure what should’ve been done differently?
  2. Advice on how to proceed if possible. We were given a teaching case as follows: Patient has HX of WAA, with every antibody except for C, and E according to HX. DAT and Auto control negative, screen positive at IS and PEG-IAT. Not enough cells for autoadsorption-would you proceed with an alloadsorption or ? Thanks for any direction.
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