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Everything posted by Cliff

  1. The top person on the list is my wife. 😀
  2. Happy birthday 🎂
  3. Welcome to PathLabTalk.com! Please consider signing up for one or more of our newsletters. PathLabTalk is on Twitter; follow us at @pathlabtalk. https://twitter.com/pathlabtalk. PathLabTalk is on Facebook. Also, please consider supporting PathLabTalk by visiting our store.
  4. Happy birthday
  5. Allergic Reactions This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/ Submitter Cliff Category HemeLabTalk Submitted 02/14/2025  
    • quizzes_questions_pl
    • quizzes_players_pl
    This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/
  6. Happy birthday
  7. Welcome to PathLabTalk.com! Please consider signing up for one or more of our newsletters. PathLabTalk is on Twitter; follow us at @pathlabtalk. https://twitter.com/pathlabtalk. PathLabTalk is on Facebook. Also, please consider supporting PathLabTalk by visiting our store.
  8. Hemoglobin This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/ Submitter Cliff Category HemeLabTalk Submitted 02/13/2025  
  9. Cliff


    • quizzes_questions_pl
    • quizzes_players_pl
    This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/
  10. Happy birthday
  11. Ribosome This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/ Submitter Cliff Category General Lab Submitted 02/12/2025  
  12. Cliff


    • quizzes_questions_pl
    • quizzes_players_pl
    This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/
  13. Happy birthday
  14. I don't have them available, but I know there are Joint Commission Standards that apply.
  15. Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/ Submitter Cliff Category MicroLabTalk Submitted 02/11/2025  
    • quizzes_questions_pl
    • quizzes_players_pl
    This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/
  16. Happy birthday
  17. We were always AABB accredited. That requires a facility representative. That was always me. That gave me the equivalent of individual access. In fact, it was not possible (well everything is possible) to have an individual membership if you are also the site representative. They do have a best practices sections, which is great. We also have a document library here, and members here are always willing to share their ideas on topics, if not their actual SOPs, just ask. You do get a discount on their books like Standards and the Technical Manual. With your membership, you also get a monthly subscription to Transfusion. I used their mentorship program after being in the filed for over 25 years. I got a new position, and the mentor they assigned me was wonderful. We talked through a lot of challenging situations I was facing. There are other sections of their site that become unlocked. Is it worth it, that's up to you.
  18. Syphilis This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/ Submitter Cliff Category MicroLabTalk Submitted 02/10/2025  
  19. Cliff


    • quizzes_questions_pl
    • quizzes_players_pl
    This question and answer was originally published on Lab Tests Guide. They have generously permitted us to repost here on our site. Please consider visiting their site: https://www.labtestsguide.com/
  20. Happy birthday
  21. Welcome to PathLabTalk.com! Please consider signing up for one or more of our newsletters. PathLabTalk is on Twitter; follow us at @pathlabtalk. https://twitter.com/pathlabtalk. PathLabTalk is on Facebook. Also, please consider supporting PathLabTalk by visiting our store.
  22. Happy birthday
  23. Happy birthday 🎂
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