We recently had emergency release situations on two newborns, first one I can remember in my 7 years here. The day after the O neg PRBCs were issued, I was trying to figure out what testing was required and how to order it. We do NB types and DAT on all babies. My thought was to create a new order for PRBC. If I do that, it will order a type and screen. Since we have already done a type on the cord blood, we would TNP the results? We would still just give O units, Rh compatible. Or would you put in the results from the cord blood with the comment that it was performed on cord blood and TNP the back type and credit the type.
Then we perform the screen on the mom's blood, with an external comment, but the order is under the baby's account. If the mom has already had a TS right before delivery, would you put in the results from her screen there and credit that screen, so she isn't double charged?
I'm kind of thinking out loud, but I would appreciate any feedback.